Motivate and empower
intrapreneurs to build a winning
Inpowered Corporation
Leading organizations
create an inspiring,
energizing and encouraging
intrapreneurial culture.
They give intrapreneurs
freedom to experiment with
the their ideas, fail
forward and restart wiser.
They remove roadblocks and
establish intrapreneurship-friendly
structures and processes.
Intrapreneurs must have access
to special resources dedicated
to development of
intrapreneurial capabilities and
projects. Think of
intrapreneurship as a
distinctive capability that
needs support. There are many
things you can do to support
For example, the 60-30-10 rule of
innovation can be a structured way of managing innovation and
allocating resources throughout the organization.
This can be a good starting point to
distribute resources between the core (60%), adjacent (30%) and
transformational (10%) initiatives. |