Vadim Kotelnikov

Business Growth 10+

3 Main Boosters of Transformation

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Business Growth 10+ Vadim Kotelnikov teaching by example

The most important is to find the most important difference that makes the difference

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


3 Main Boosters of
Growth 10+

People 10+

80/20 Revolution

InnoBall – venturepreneurial simulation game




Growth 10+ is a strategy aimed at driving significant business growth, supported by three main components: People 10+, the 80/20 Revolution, and the InnoBall (Innovation Brainball) venturepreneurial simulation game. It focuses on synergizing breakthroughs across functions to create and exponential business model and a powerful and coherent rapid-growth strategy.


Rapid-Growth Company

6Ws of Rapid Growth

3Ss of Great Performance

Business BLISS




The 7Ss
of Business Growth 10+
Strategic intent, Systemic innovation, Synergies, Simulation games, Scaling up, Speed, and Sustained effort.

  7Ss of Business Growth 10+ Synergies Strategic Intent Growth 10+ Simulation Games Systemic Innovation Business e-Coach Speed Scaling Up Sustained Effort 7Ss of Exponential Business Growth 10+




Rapid Business Growth 10+






Business Model Innovation

Business model innovation is a holistic approach to growth 10+.  GE, Jacuzzi, and Xerox provided legendary examples of achieving growth 10+ through transformational and well-designed business innovation.


Innovative Business Models

10 Driving Forces behind Modern Business Models




Virtuous Spiral Journey

The virtuous spiral refers to chains of events that reinforce themselves through a continuous feedback loop, resulting in favorable outcomes. Firms that discover the key elements of their unique virtuous cycle find themselves in an advantageous feedback loop that drives success.





Waltz up with everything –  ideas, challenges, problems, successes, failures, and opportunities.

Learn as you go – ask learning SWOT questions after every major step into the unknown and adapt your next moves accordingly.

  Virtuous Spiral growth - waltz up with everything




People 10+




Growth 10+ is People 10+  

SuperSmart Employees drive Growth 10+. Develop an innovative workforce. Everyone can be SuperCreative and more innovative if inspired, trained and encouraged. Start with inspiring people, engaging, energizing and empowering everyone. Establish a culture of relentless growth. Empower intrapreneurs and cross-functional innovation teams.





80/20 Revolution




Business Growth 10+ and the 60/20 Analysis  

Use the 80/20 Rule to find the difference that makes the difference

Identify your top performers. Which people, strategies, tactics, solutions, processes, and efforts are in that top-performing 20%?











Win first, them jump in




Business Growth 10+ Vadim Kotelnikov teaching by example

If you create something unseen before,
prepare to address challenges unmet earlier

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Growth 10+ is a revolutionary crusade that is to conquer many diverse enemies on on its way to success. These enemies include resistance to change, lack of motivation and skills, unpreparedness of stakeholders, failures, and attacks of competitors,







STAND OUT from the Competition

Surprise to Win

Exponential Business Growth

Exponential Business Model




Head of Growth




Business Growth 10+: T-shaped Head of Growth  

Head of Growth

A Head of Growth is a ‘T’ shaped business executive who is knowledgeable in many fields, but deeply skilled in accelerated or exponential business growth 10+.

Head of Growth





Difference that makes the Difference (DtmtD)








GE got employees excited about their work and established meritocracy. GE leaders allowed employees far more freedom and far more responsibility to engender enthusiasm, unlock their unlimited creativity, and achieve high involvement.


25 Lessons from Jack Welch

Energize Employees


GE Work-Out



Jack Welch advice business quotes

Harness your people for competitive advantage – business is all about capturing intellect from every person.

Jack Welch





"I have one of the best jobs in the world. I get to hang out with some of the most talented, committed people around, and together we get to play in this sandbox and build these cool products. Apple is an incredibly collaborative company," said Steve Jobs.


Do what you love to do and make a difference

The Crazy Ones

Apple's New Business Models



Steve Jobs advice quotes

The people are the moving force behind our innovation excellence. My job is to create a space for them

Steve Jobs





Walmart shared their vision for the company with their associates, shared profits with them, and made them partners in the success of the company.


People Partnership

Gain Sharing

Inspiring Culture



Sam Walton's rules for buiding a great business

Outstanding leaders go out of their way to boost the self-esteem of their personnel. If people believe in themselves, it’s amazing what they can accomplish.

Sam Walton




Dell created a company composed of independent owners. They established a healthy, competitive culture by partnering with their people through shared objectives, a common strategy, and gain sharing.


Strategies that Revolutionized Industry

Customer-focused Culture



Michael Dell advice

We decided to reward employees around a matrix of Return on Invested Capital (ROIC), and growth.

Michael Dell

Dell Inc..



Charles Schwab

Charles Schwab established guiding principles that allowed the management team to make quick decisions and to build a fast company that can respond to changes in the market before they even happened.


Charles Schwab Timeline

Noble Failure

Fast To Market



Charles Schwab advice quotes

I want people to seek a higher level of satisfaction above just making a salary.

Charles Schwab



Thermo Electron

Thermo Electron introduced a special formal program for training new CEOs to groom potential venture managers for the future spinouts.


BP empowered their business units to choose their own routes to implement transformational changes and created room for different thinking.





Alibaba achieved outstanding success in the global market thanks to visionary leadership, team culture, and customer empathy. They look at the technology with the eyes of their customers, normal people's eyes.


Entrepreneurial Leadership

Customer Focus

Chinese vs. Americans



Jack Ma quotes

I found that the more you care about your team, the more your team will care about you and about their customers.

Jack Ma




David Kelley, the founder of IDEO, the world's leading new product design company, believes that if he hires people he likes and respects, everybody will have fun and more work done.


The Art of Innovation

Entrepreneurial Creativity

Culture for Innovation



IDEO Tom Kelley creativity innovation quotes

Make brainstorming a religion. The buzz of a good brainstormer can infect a team with optimism and sense of opportunity.

Tom Kelley




Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Coaching by Example

Vadim Kotelnikov personal brand logo


Business Growth 10+ success secrets Business e-Coach Vadim Kotelnikov  


e-Coach grows by helping others grow. Being the first-to-market in the field of free online business education, Business e-Coach inspires outside-the-box thinking, cross-functional creativity, and systemic innovation.



Vadim Kotelnikov

If you strop learning, you stop creating history and become history.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


The secret of China economic growth Wei Di Business e-Coach Vadim Kotelnikov

"Translated in Chinese, Business e-Coach helped China to transform itself to an entrepreneurial rapid-growth economy."

~ Ye Shangjie, STTE

Vadim Kotelnikov Wei Di cover Chinese S&T journal



Global Innovation #1 Innompic Games Business Growth 10+ success secrets  

Innompic Ganes & Ecosystem

Innomics boost inpowerment – empowerment from within.

Innompic Games turn the Earth to a Planet of Loving Creators, inspire mission-mates globally, and help them grow as loving creators.



Vadim Kotelnikov

As the launch of the millennium, INNOMPIC GAMES are designed to thrive for centuries ahead.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Olympic Games were invented in Greece 2,800 years ago when the world was ruled by athletic warriors.

Something has changed since then.

Today's world is driven by creative entrepreneurs.

Innompic Games are new Games for the new world.

  New World New Games Innompic vs Olympic mind vs. body civilizational breakthrough




Lessons from Business Legends PowerPoint slide deck for teachers


Advice by Self-made Billionaires

Market Leadership Strategies

30 Lessons from the Founder of Panasonic

10 Success Lessons from Alibaba

STAND OUT from your competition

Disruptive Strategist  ▪  Head of Growth

Culture of Creative Dissatisfaction

Radical Innovation  ▪  Learning SWOT Questions

Empower Cross-functional Innovation Teams