VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Strategic Motivation & Strategic Alignment

Provide the Strategic Direction

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Leaership, Strategic Motivation, Strategic Direction, Alignment  

Formulate a daring vision, communicate your strategic intent, set stretch goals, launch a crusade. Daring stretch targets inspire and energize people. They also provide strategic direction and help align efforts.




An inspiring strategic direction and strategic motivation awaken
superconscious mind,
fuel super-creativity of team members

  Strategic Motivation and Strategic Direction fuel Super-Creativity



Strategic Intent

Strategic intent is senior management's primary motivational tool for radical idea generation.

Senior management uses strategic intent to communicate a misfit between current resources and corporate aspirations and motivate idea generation when it actively encourages the quest for new opportunities.


Articulate Your Vision

People 10+

Strategic Intent

Strategic Intent vs. Vision and Mission

How To Create a Strategic Intent




Konosuke Matsushita advice quotes

Company’s vision must be driven by the aspirations of its customers.

Konosuke Matsushita



Jack Welch advice business quotes

Energize people. The people who help you perform your job would be more motivated if they knew the bigger picture, and how their efforts help the organization to achieve its goals.

Jack Welch




Michael Dell advice

Mobilize your people around a common goal. Help them feel a part of something genuine, special, and important.

Michael Dell


Sam Walton's rules for buiding a great business

Set a goal and back it with a burning desire.

Sam Walton



Strategic Alignment

Strategic alignment is the process of linking corporate strategy with corporate vision, mission, strategic intent and  goals.

Everyone in the company can stay aligned with your business mission and strategy pyramid if it is clearly defined.

  Leadership definition quotes, Vadim Kotelnikov



In an aligned organization, innovation decisions and actions reinforce each other, and decisions tend to stick.


Shared Vision




Effective Efficiency

A clearly communicated strategic direction enhances both effectiveness and efficiency of the organization. It helps streamline all initiatives and activities, use the 80/20 Principle more productively, improve strategic project management (SPM), and achieve Growth 10+ by harnessing talents of al people.


Strategic Achievement

Strategic Alignment

Strategic Motivation

Stretch Goals

80/20 Rule