
Vadim Kotelnikov    

How To Stimulate Radical Idea Generation

Kore 10 Tips


Business e-Coach  Success 360  Kore 10 Tips



Radical Innovation levels: Breakthrough, Disruptive, Game Changing innovation





Surprise To Win

Radica Innovation  >>  Definition    3 Levels

Creating Sustainable Profits: 9 Questions To Answer

Leading Innovation

Leading a Venture    Loose-Tight Leadership    Venture Marketer

 2 Routes of Innovation Project Management

Inspirational Leader    Creative Leader >> DOs and DON'Ts

Smart & Fast Decision Maker

The Jazz of Innovation

11 Practice Tips    The Fun Factor

Idea Management

Managing Creativity    Cross-pollination of Ideas    Creative Chaos

Team Creativity

Maintaining a Fresh Perspective With Your Employees: 10 Tips

Getting Employees Involved: 9 Ways    Letting the Best Ideas Win


How To Run a Brainstorming Session >> 10 Rules

Spiral Integration of Ideas (SPIN)

Techniques for Fast Idea Evaluation and Decision Making

Weighted Criteria    4×2 Perceptual Positions



❶  Emphasize the need for proactive innovation

Establish the spirit of relentless growth and a culture of creative dissatisfaction in your organization. Create a questioning culture and encourage people to ask "Why?", "What If?" and searching questions continuously.

❷  Stretch! 

Provide strategic direction. Create strategic intent, set stretch goals, emphasize a misfit between the current state and corporate aspirations, actively encourage the quest for new opportunities, and create and sustain strategic momentum for radical innovation.

❸  Encourage 

Instill confidence, turn people loose and encourage outside-the-box thinking. Supply advanced ideation techniques. Involve everyone, show people that their ideas are valued and make sure that it is the person with the best idea who wins.

❹  Liberate

Create an atmosphere where people are confident that how far and fast they move is constrained only by the limits of their entrepreneurial creativity Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book and drive and by their standards of personal excellence.

❺  Make business fun

As business today is about passion and winning and creating new things, fun must be a big element in the business strategy.  >>>

❻  Establish a creative chaos environment

Accidental discoveries are triggered by chaos and contradictions, rather than by order and logic.

❼  Reward authors of innovative ideas

Rewarding idea generation motivates people, makes them feel important, drives participation, creates loyalty, delivers quality, recognizes value, and demonstrates management commitment to innovation.

❽  Provide guidelines and the reception area

Establish guiding principles for quick evaluation of a proposed new course of action and develop a receiving capacity for innovation so that creative people have a place to go with their radical ideas.

❾  Encourage experimentation

Let people experiment with their ideas, allow the freedom to fail and try again – more intelligently.  >>>

❿  Institutionalize Innovation

Establish an innovation system for getting radical innovations out of the lab and into commercialization projects.




Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo Coaching by Example


Kore 10 Innovative Thinking Tools are relevant and rich metaphors for the kind of things we work on when we need to invent new things, anticipate opponents' moves, design an innovative strategy, and
to find a
creative solutions to complex problem. 

Innopreneurial simulation games stimulate generation of radical ideas.
Innoball trainings and Innompic Games, the method of Weighted Criteria, inter alia, are used by the team leader to evaluate the ideas generated by the team.

Kore 10 Metaphoric Innovative Thinking Tools, Innovation, How to generate great business ideas, entrepreneurial creativity, Vadim Kotelnikov

Inovation Football, Innoball, Entrepreneurial Game, Strategic Simulation, innovation team assessmsnt



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Inspire advocates. Mental diversity is very important – you need individuals who celebrate different viewpoints.  >>>

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