The process of design thinking is a series of steps for gaining insights, setting objectives, generating options, testing strategies, and getting feedback.

In most situations, real problems and root causes are obscured by apparent problems. Your task is to discover the root causes of the problem you want to solve.


Design Thinking Process: Gaining Insight



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Amazing Thinker


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Insightful Question

Insight is an accurate and deep understanding of a specific cause and effect within a particular context.

Insightful questions are aimed at getting deeper understanding of a particular subject.


Insightful Question 

Awakening Questions

Common Sense






Use the 5-Why process, a question-asking method to explore the cause/effect relationships underlying a particular problem. Asking "why" repeatedly, possibly more than five times, directs the focus toward real causes.


 Selling is Problem Solving

Socratic Questions







Observe people to uncover what comes naturally to them and discover their hidden needs.  Observe disruptive people who can inspire creation of new trends in the marketplace.


Knowing People

Customer Insight






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Smart & Fast

People Skills 360


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To be an effective human-centered design thinker, set aside your own assumptions about the world in order to gain insight into users and their real needs. Empathize with people to understand their experiences and motivations.  Immerse yourself in the physical environment so you can gain a deeper multisensory personal understanding of the issues involved. Redefine the problem, if required, based on the new insights obtained thanks to this empathetic sensory immersion.


Love Your Customers

Customer Intimacy

Customer Experience Journey as a Love Story

Loving Customer Relationships









INNOBALL simulation game Innovation Brainball INNOBALL-assisted Business Design Process

Play INNOBALL (Innovation Brainball) simulation game with the most promising 'What If?' scenarios. Powered by KoRe 10 metaphoric innovative thinking tools (10 KITT), Innoball engages and synergizes all the four types of design thinking: abstract, generative, concrete and analytical... More


 Strategic Creativity

Design Thinking for Innovation

Customer Experience Planning





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Smart & Fast

Innovation Success 360


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PowerPoints for sale

Smart & Fast

Innovation Success 360


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