The Tree of
Dell Computers won business on price,
but the company provides also
high-quality products and services and maintains
partner relationships with their customers. Actually, Dell Computers
have found that the
pricing was only one-third of their customers'
decision-making process; the other two-thirds represented
service and
Customer Value Creation:
Yin-Yang Strategies
"Mobilize your people around a singe goal. All
of our
experimenting and
questioning and
learning is
done in pursuit of one goal: finding the next frontier of value that we can
create for our customers," says
Michael Dell, Founder of Dell Computers. ...
Creating Customer Value:
Dell Computer's climb to
market leadership is
the result of a persistent focus on
delivering the best possible customer
experience by directly selling computing products and services online and
through catalogs.
3 Strategies of Market Leaders
However, Dell has had a practical limitation on line as
customers can only look at pictures and cannot benefit from the product
demonstration and interaction that is provided in the store environment.
customer support was very costly, as it requires normally
personal interaction.
vision was to create an on line
experience that combined the best of class interactive experience with
respect to product demonstration and visual realism with Dell's leading
online sales approach.
Yin-Yang of
Value Innovation
Value Proposition
EON Reality Product Solution could meet all these
EON was able to
revolutionize the buying experience on line by
customers with an easy way to access the information they need to know in
order to make a decision on line.
Sell Benefits
Selling Is Problem Solving
Already after the initial 90 days of
implementing the EON solution Dell's on line viewing was 49% higher, for the
EON converted products compared with other e-Retail sites during the same
launch period. EON improved
customer satisfaction
retention, resulting
in enhanced aftermarket and
sales revenues.
Customer Success 360
"It is like having the product
in front of you and the
best sales person by your side," says Michael B.
Berman, Product Manager Dell...