VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Routes of Innovation

Follow and synergize them

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Reducing innovation to technology innovation is like playing guitar that has one string only. Put strategy, product, business model, process, organization, and marketing strings on, and you'll be able to create real music!

Raise to higher levels of harmonious mega-innovations, and you'll create symphonies.

  Hierarchy of Innovation Innovation e-Coach Harmonious Innovation Harmony Innovation Waltz Up with Everything Soft and Hard Innovation Tactical Innovation Sustainability Innovation Impact Innovation Functional Invention Value Innovation Strategic Innovation Radial Incremental Cross-functional Systemic Holistic Innovation Scale of Innovation Harmonious Economy and Harmony Innovation


Vadim Kotelnikov, innovation guru, inspirational speaker

If you create something unseen before,
prepare to address challenges unmet earlier

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Coaching by Example

Mission-driven Innovator

Impact Innovator

Harmony Innovator

UX Innovator

Proactive Futurist

Blue-Ocean Innovator




Discover The Whole Rainbow of Innovation





Routes of innovation are diverse. Novelty may arise in various ways. What is really important is to synergize novelties and focused innovations systemically in a cross-functional harmonious way to create a  value-rich holistic innovation.


Systemic Innovation Business Innovation Organizational Innovation Strategy Innovation Technology Innovation Process Innovation Product Innovation Creative Marketing Innovation Systemic Innovation: 7 Areas Example Dennis Emfographics VadiK Innovarsity Innovation Management: 7 Areas of Systemic Innovation


Systemic Innovation Vadim Kotelnikov quotes innovators break rules  

Innovation Process A-Z/360

The driving force of innovation is love. By its nature innovation is a science-flavored art. The process of innovation, ideally, is jazz − improvisation within a guiding structure, in reality, it is a football game.




Some Routes of Innovation





Value Innovation

Customer-driven value innovation is a remarkable change that is perceived by customers as offering more or better value. Value innovation is often a result a combination of both hard and soft technological, product, and service innovations.

  Value Innovation Yin and Yang Creating Customer Value Tailoring New-to-the-world Product Development Coaching Customers Observing People Listening to Customers Customer Satisfaction Advertising The Tao of Business Success Entrepreneurial Creativity Leading by Serving Measuring Customer Satisfaction Surprise To Win Radical Innovation Ten3 Business e-Coach: global customers Innovation Value Innovation: The TAO of VALUE INNOVATION (Yin and Yang) - Adapting To Customer Needs and Introducing Revolutionary Products



Discoveries and Inventions

Innovation is often exploitation of discovery-based inventions. Great inventions may arise out of research laboratories, innovation teams, or super-creative individual inventors.


Inventive Thinking

Jazz of Innovation

Ask Learning SWOT Questions






Some innovators take ideas from other business sectors and adapt them for use in their own value innovations, production processes and/or markets. "Adapt what is useful, reject what is useless, and add what is specifically your own," advised Bruce Lee.



Value Innovation

Soft Innovation

10 Commandments of Innovation




Entrepreneurial Serendipity

Entrepreneurial serendipity is about discovering entrepreneurial opportunities accidentally and pursuing them experimentally in an entrepreneurial way. Though most hard innovations take years to develop, sometimes, all it takes to come out with a soft innovation is just an open mind and an accident.



Innovation is Love


Continuous Innovation

Innovation Insights




Innovative Business Models

If you want to lead the market, you must be the industry leader in developing new business models.

Business-model innovation is often focused on introduction of a comprehensively new approach to a business with the objective of creating new market space, or increasing profitability in an existing market.

Business model innovation is a holistic innovation that requires holistic creativity and harmonious implementation.

Empower a cross-functional innovation team to invent a greater business model and help you lead the change.

Your customer value proposition must create new desires or offer a superior solution to a customers' problem.

Your brand must be appealing and well differentiated.


Systemic Innovation

Shift from Linear to Systemic Innovation

Synergy Innovation

Systematic Approach to Innovation

Harmonious Innovation

Harmony Innovation

Harmony Innovator

Harmony Master

Mega Innovation


Mega Innovator