Great Business

Innovation Management


Continuous Innovation Case Studies

Changing and Adapting to Suit Your Changing Business Environment

Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes  

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Vadim Kotelnikov


If your business is to survive in today's rapidly changing environment,

your should either manage change or change the management.


Continuous evolutionary innovation
is about finding and securing iterative, incremental wins
throughout the business.

While radical innovation  is the main source of top-line growth, incremental innovations and improvements generate enterprise value more consistently, help you deliver better bottom-line results, strengthen common ground between innovation and business, and drive better employee engagement.




Inspirational Leadership

10 Roles

  1. Make relentless innovation a religion... More


Types of Changes in the Marketplace

  • Continuous organic change

  • Radical, or discontinuous, change driven by radical innovation

5 Strategies for Creating a Culture of Questioning

Innovation Practice Tips


  • Break rules and "fail forward" so that change is part of the culture, and little setback is experienced... More

Systemic Innovation

7 Interwoven Areas

  1. Business Innovation

  2. Organizational Innovation

  3. Strategy Innovation... More



Organizing for Innovation

Three Aspects

  1. Corporate Culture

  2. Business Processes

  3. Organizational Structure

Two Main Sources of Sustainable Competitive Advantage

  1. Continuous Improvement Culture: continuous effort to improve organizational climate and productivity of the core business in response to continuous changes in the marketplace.

  2. Durable Corporate Venture Strategy: internal investment in innovation and new product/service development, new business creation, and external venture investing in new technologies and emerging markets.

Mastering Continuous Innovation

Main Assumptions8

The Jazz of Innovation

11 Practice Tips

The Jazz of Innovation: (A) create a guiding structure and (B) encourage improvisation.

  1. Provide strategic alignment.

  2. Challenge assumptions

  3. Build cross-functional expertise... More

Business BLISS

Balance – Leadership – Innovation – Synergy – Speed

  • Innovation: Reinvent continually your business model, organization, processes, technologies, products, and marketing strategies... More

Inspirational Business Plan: Successful Innovation

Brief History: "Past success stories are generally not applicable to new situations. We must continually reinvent ourselves, responding to changing times with innovative new business models." – Akira Mori

Systemic Innovation

Innovation used to be a linear trajectory from new knowledge to new product. Now innovation is neither singular nor linear, but systemic. It arises from complex interactions between many individuals, organizations and environmental factors. Firms which are successful in realizing the full returns from their technologies and innovations are able to match their technological developments with complementary expertise in other areas of their business, such as manufacturing, distribution, human resources, marketing, and customer relationships.

Continuous Change as a Norm

Companies, like any living organism, must become learning organizations that change and adapt to suit their changing business environment. The constant formation of new units within a corporation is one means of gearing up to change.

To determine the improvements to make in response to the change, you should continuously:

Changes – the Source of Opportunities

Innovation is the specific tool of entrepreneurs. Doing new things, or doing old things in new ways is how entrepreneurs exploit change as an opportunity for a different business or a different service. Entrepreneurs see change as the norm and as healthy; they always search for change, respond to it, and exploit it as an opportunity.

Innovation can be approached methodically, by a purposeful and organized search for changes and by identifying the opportunities that such changes might offer. In your search, focus on opportunities, not problems, these changes can bring along. Results come from exploiting opportunities, not solving problems.

Entrepreneurship as a Continuous Source of Innovation

Many people equate entrepreneurship with an individual and his or her startup company. However, establishing entrepreneurial small business in a big organization has become very popular in today's rapidly changing and complex world.

Many organizations,  willing to exploit the benefits of new product/service development as internal ventures, will need to change their mindset, redefine their concept of organization and loose controls in order to expand their capacity for speed. Mastering of the new business systems approach to managing projects aimed at development of innovative products and services will help corporations to move with speed to capitalize on emerging technology and market opportunities.

Creating a Culture for Innovation

By: Soren Kaplan

Shaping culture, especially when it comes to creating a culture of innovation, is a daily task that involves elevating the mundane to the strategic.

By managing the strategic levers of culture, and by practicing the strategies of envisioning, communicating and sponsoring, it becomes possible to create a culture of innovation and drive long-term strategic advantage.

DOs and DON'Ts of a Successful Innovator

By: Peter Drucker

DOs: Start small – try to do one specific thing...

DON'Ts: Don't undershoot, or you will simply create an opportunity for competition

Strategic Innovation

Strategic Innovation is the creation of growth strategies, new product categories, services or business models that change the game and generate significant new value for customers and the corporation... More

Managing for Results

To achieve results, you should develop a solid, sound, customer-focused, and entrepreneurial strategy, aimed at market leadership, based on innovation, and tightly focused on decisive opportunities.


The goal of the road-mapping is to develop the innovation strategy – to choose and do the right things. The goal of innovation management is to implement this strategy well.

Road-mapping leads to effective project portfolio development and management. It provides for company-wide technological strategy development and technology assessment, as well as division-level project evaluation and strategic aligning. Road-mapping tools provide also a common language for innovation and building bridges between technologists and business managers within your corporation, and with you major suppliers and customers... More


Steve Jobs advice quotes

To turn really interesting ideas and fledgling technologies into a company that can continue to innovate for years, it requires a lot of disciplines.

Steve Jobs



Bill Gates advice

If you're too focused on your current business, it's hard to look ahead and innovate.

Bill Gates


Steve Jobs advice quotes

Innovation is the ability to see change as an opportunity – not a threat.

Steve Jobs





  1. The Practice of Management, by Peter Drucker

  2. Management: Tasks, Responsibilities, Practices, by Peter Drucker

  3. "The Frontiers of Management", by Peter Drucker

  4. "Managing in Time of Great Change", by Peter Drucker

  5. Kaizen: The Key To Japan's Competitive Success, Masaaki Imai

  6. The Road Ahead, by Bill Gates

  7. "Roads to Success", by Robert Heller

  8. "Relentless Growth", Christopher Meyer

  9. "Inspiring Innovation", Ellen Peebles, Harvard Business Review on The Innovative Enterprise

  10. "Innovation and Entrepreneurship," Peter Drucker