Business Success 360



Meeting specific requirements and unlocking true potential

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo  

Vadim Kotelnikov



Job Satisfaction Needs
 of Knowledge Workers

Challenge, above all

Continuous training and coaching

To know the organization's mission and to believe in it

The need to see results




Knowledge Workers Defined

Peter Drucker invented the term "knowledge workers" in 1959. According to Peter Drucker, knowledge workers believe they are paid to be effective, not to work 9 to 5, and that smart businesses will "strip away everything that gets in their knowledge workers' way." Those that succeed will attract the best performers, securing "the single biggest factor for competitive advantage."


Peter Drucker advice

Smart businesses strip away everything that gets in their knowledge workers' way to attract the best performers and thus secure the single biggest factor for competitive advantage.

Peter Drucker




Let Them All Be Power Users

Knowledge worker productivity is the critical issue to being able to leverage your organisation's core competencies in real time.  If you want to optimise your enterprise start here.  Peel away everything and allow your knowledge workers to do what they do best, more of the time. Provide employees with both the latest technology and clear guidance on using it to help knowledge workers to be as productive as they could be... More


     Knowledge Management


"It is difference of opinion which makes for horse races." ~ Mark Twain

Managing Knowledge Workers Coaching Corporate Vision, Mission and Goals 25 Lessons from Jack Welch: STRETCH Get Rid of Bureaucracy

Meeting Specific Requirements of Knowledge Workers

  • consider and treat them as professional partners

  • respect their expertise, support them in its application, and help them extend it further

  • give them influence in decisions that determine where and how their expertise is applied to specific innovation initiatives, as well as how it contributes to the overall business strategy

Systemic Innovation: 7 Areas




Knowledge Workers Respond Best when You

  1. respect their professional status and identity

  2. set a stretch goal and provide challenging work

  3. minimize bureaucracy and the management burden

Winning Organization

Flat Organizational Structure

Employee Empowerment

Learning Organization

Teaching Organization

Enlightened 21st Century Organization Quiz

Managerial Leadership

Creative Leadership

Stretch Goals

Idea Management

Creativity Management in Your Business Environment

Letting the Best Idea to Win

Brainstorming: 10 Rules

Cross-pollination of Ideas

Practicing New Approaches

You cannot lead knowledge workers by telling them what to do. You must treat them with respect and dignity, and provide opportunities that they would not be able to have on their own.

Leadership-Management Synergy

To lead knowledge workers effectively and unlock their true potential, you need to define:

  • What knowledge work professionals do?

  • How they do it best?

  • What drives them to do it?

Balanced Manager

To manage knowledge workers effectively in the modern knowledge-driven enterprise, modern manager should balance management with leadership and coaching... More

Working the Peer Network

As a leader, you must work the peer network of your knowledge workers actively.

Leader 360

For example, if you have to manage a difficult employee, don't try to do it on your own. "Reframing the problem from a boss-employee situation to a workgroup issue can be surprisingly effective. Get their peers involved, since letting them down often has a much faster and stronger impact on the employee than letting the boss down".1

4 NLP Perceptual Positions

Problem Solving Strategies: 4 Levels

Evoking People's Passions

"The passion to go well beyond the extra mile is what drives people to create insanely great products and services." says Christopher Meyer.1 You need to shift your people management practices – if you haven't done so yet – to accommodate or support knowledge work and help your people express passion of their own.

Success Stories Best Business Practices Silicon Valley Firms

How do Silicon Valley firms attract people to opportunities, challenges, and growth?

Around the globe, leading organizations declare in their corporate value statements that people are their most important asset. In many cases, these statements are just words however. In the Silicon Valley, people really do come first. One of the main tasks of top management is to provide an environment where work is rewarding and fun. In turn, the legacy of managing knowledge workers keeps the focus on people, and illustrates why innovation in the Silicon Valley extends far beyond the technology itself.1... More 

Success Stories Best Business Practices Google: 10 Golden Rules

By: Eric Schmidt, CEO of Google, and Hal Varian, Consultant with Google

Getting the most out of knowledge workers will be the key to business success for the next quarter century. Here's how we do it at Google.

At Google, we think business guru Peter Drucker well understood how to manage the new breed of "knowledge workers." After all, Drucker invented the term in 1959. He says knowledge workers believe they are paid to be effective, not to work 9 to 5, and that smart businesses will "strip away everything that gets in their knowledge workers' way." Those that succeed will attract the best performers, securing "the single biggest factor for competitive advantage in the next 25 years."

At Google, we seek that advantage. The ongoing debate about whether big corporations are mismanaging knowledge workers is one we take very seriously, because those who don't get it right will be gone. We've drawn on good ideas we've seen elsewhere and come up with a few of our own. What follows are ten key principles we use to make knowledge workers most effective. As in most technology companies, many of our employees are engineers, so we will focus on that particular group, but many of the policies apply to all sorts of knowledge workers... More


Max DePree quotes

Knowing how to lead and work with creative people requires knowledge and action that often goes against the typical organizational structure... More

De Pree

Jack Welch advice business quotes

Reward and celebrate new ideas to encourage others to want contribute as well.

Jack Welch




  1. Relentless Growth, Christopher Meyer

  2. A Manager's Guide to the Millennium, Ken Matejka & Richard J. Dunsing

  3. Regional Advantage: Culture and Competition in Silicon Valley and Route 128, Annalee Saxenian

  4. 20 Breakthrough Ideas, Harvard Business Review