VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Presentation Format

How to make your audience listen

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Motivational opening

You must make a powerful first impression, inspire and arouse curiosity.

Focus on your audience. Promise to tell them how they can get something they want. Lift your visor. Grab attention with an interesting fact, a provocative question, a joke, a short anecdote, or an inspiring quotation.

Focus on emotional drivers.


APEP-style Elevator Pitch

Impactful Presenter

First Impressionism

Public Speaking

Emotional Marketing

The Law of Heart

Present with Passion



Passionate Presenter Vadim Kotelnikov  

Believe in the importance of your subject and let
your passion show!

People feel compelled to listen to passionate presenters and cannot help but give them their undivided attention.





Be charismatic, confident, and manage expectations.

Before you begin your presentation, be sure your participants know what to expect. Set the tone and the theme.

Tell them how they will benefit from listening to your presentation.

Vadim Kotelnikov leader creates change quotes



Outline of agenda

Help them to understand and picture the structure of your material. List all points you plan to cover. Begin with the most important topics.


Entrepreneurial Vision

Understand EGA of Your Audience





Present your Big Idea

Decide what it is you would like to happen as a result of your presentation and explain your main idea first. It will serve as a framework for further explanations.


Don't Be Lesser than Yourself

Product Vision



Vadim Kotelnikovpresentation guru, coaching by example

If you want your message to hit the target, make an adjustment to the wind.

~ Vadim Kotelnikov


Content – section by section

Begin to break into segments; present each segment with its details. Make your presentation visual. Support your presentation with activities directly related to the information being presented – create a conversation cycle, use role-play practices, etc.




Do more that lecture. – engage your listeners.






Recap each section

Build in a recap at the end of each section before you finish and go on, for reinforcement and additional clarification.


Communication GEM

Speak Impactfully

Use Right Words




Make transitions to next section

Let everyone know you're about to go to a new topic; this makes your outline structure continuously clear.


How To Keep Your Audience Interested

Be Witty





At the end of all the components, wrap up by restating the whole idea, hitting the major points.


Keep Attention of Your Audience

Pitch for VC Investors





You must finish memorably. Bring together all the elements of your presentation by reviewing the highlights. Finish with emotional statement of the Big Idea you wish to convey. 





Venture Marketer





Inspire Change

Use the 6Ws model. Start your presentation in an unorthodox way, share something extraordinary, tell an eye-opening story.

Tell a Story

Communicate with pictures to increase your influence over your audience.

  How To Make a Presentation that Inspires Change, Vadim Kotelnikov advice