"Age doesn’t matter.
Obstacles don’t matter. Winning is the challenge. Bottom line, inspiring others
is the goal."
Glen Allison
"Before you can
inspire with emotion, you must be swamped with it yourself.
Before you can move
their tears,
your own must flow.
To convince them,
you must yourself
~ Winston Churchill
Create and Communicate an Inspiring Vision
vision statement
should be short and inspiring. If you
don't have a clear and meaningful vision statement today then pull together
a team to construct one. Chose a vision that inspires and directs the
organization. Ensure that it is broad enough to allow great flexibility.
Communicate your vision
to everyone in your organization and create an
innovation-adept culture
environment that encourages
entrepreneurial creativity
make the vision a reality.
Inspiring Culture
Do you want to encourage extraordinary
performance from your people? Do you want them to do great things?
If yes, then you must create an
inspiring corporate culture
empowers and
energizes them...
Inspirational Leadership
leaders supply a shared
and inspire people to achieve more than they may ever have dreamed possible.
People change when they are emotionally engaged and committed.
To inspire,
you must both create resonance and move people with a compelling vision. You
embody what
you ask of others, and be able to articulate a
shared vision in a way
that inspires others to act. You must offer a sense of common purpose beyond
the day-to-day tasks, making work exciting...
"Sell yourself,
your vision, and
your values;
communicate with
and confidence."
~ Carmine Gallo
Lead by Example
To encourage and
energize others, to instill confidence
in them, to inspire them to perform at their best requires first of all that
you lead by example...
Leader as Servant
You cannot lead people unless they are willing
to follow you. People will trust you if you help them achieve more,
unleash their
creativity and bring out their own sense of worth. So be willing to
follow your employees periodically to win their trust and understand their
needs and capabilities better. By doing so you'll learn what to do in order
to inspire them to follow you and bring out their best...