Harmony is a pleasing combination of different parts. In human
interactions, harmony is an agreement of ideas, feelings, or actions.
To build wonderful harmonious relationships, be a shawl of empathy, a shower
of joy, and a well of inspiration.
Your People Skills |
Foundation of Good Relationships
is sympathy between people or groups. It is a key to
connecting with people,
harmonious relationships, building trust,
influencing and
persuading people, effective collaboration, and
relationship marketing.
Having rapport as a foundation for the
relationship means that when there are
issues to discuss, you already have a culture in place that makes it easier
to talk them through and thus to prevent issues from developing into
complaints, objections or
problems. |
The Key To Influence
influence you have to appreciate and understand the other
person's standpoint.
It starts with acceptance
of the other person's point of view, their state and their
style of communication.
These work both ways:
you can influence the other person only if you're open to influence yourself.
The Key to
Building Trust
Rapport is achieved when two people can see the
other person's viewpoint, appreciate each other's feelings, and be on the
same wavelength. We all have different
maps of reality – ways in
which we
perceive the world – and we can only really
understand people who look
at the world the way we do.
Loving Customer Relationships
Show your existing
customers more
if you want them to love you back. Think beyond mere
customer service or
customer retention to generate greater benefits.
Strive to delight your customers throughout the entire relationship journey,
love your customers to get them to love you...
More |
Community-wide Rapport
Community-wide rapport is
friendship and mutual sympathy
effective and operative throughout
the whole community. Its pleasures
structure spiritual, moral and
collaborative interactions between
individuals in such a way that all
parties enjoy it and benefit from
it. |
Harmonious Working Relationships
Camaraderie and having a harmonious relationship with colleagues will shape
a happy and comfortable work environment where colleagues are helpful,
motivating and supportive to each other. In such an environment, it is
possible for the employees to perform better at their jobs and lesser issues
during team work.
Why is it important to maintain harmonious working relationships?
Improved teamwork: It is common knowledge that people who get on well with
each other are more likely to work well together. Improved employee morale:
The development of good relationships in the workplace have the potential to
improve the mood of employees, making them subsequently more productive.
The top 5 skills for a happy relationship
Empathy. Sometimes, arguments reach a stalemate because neither partner is
willing to listen to what the other is saying. ...
Communication. It's an obvious one, but bears repeating: communication is
one of the most important skills in any relationship. ...
Conflict. ...
Commitment. ...
What ensures a good, happy marriage? Experience and research reveals that
the most important elements in a successful marriage are good character
traits and communication skills. This succinct list describes the essential
qualities that are so vital to nurture in oneself and to recognize in
13 Steps to Harmonious Relationships
Step 1. Be Understanding
Understand with empathy. Listen attentively, with compassion. Ask clarifying
and open-ended questions to fully understand and to show your interest.
Communicate your understanding with "active listening" and by responding in
a non-critical and non-defensive way.
Step 2. Be Respectful
Honor each person by showing positive regard and respect. Relate to the
essential goodness of each person, even when it is hidden. Recognize their
great potential. Show them that you know how precious and valuable they are
by expressing respect and appreciation.
Step 3. Be Sincere
Be genuine. Be really present with authentic and sincere interest. Share
your best self, your highest feelings, your soulful connection, your caring
and desire to help.
Step 4. Be Exemplary
Teach by example. Be a living example of what you want to teach. Inspire
others with your positive attitude, joyful feelings and actions. Be a good
role model.
Step 5. Be Clear
Communicate well. Speak their language, verbal and non-verbal, to build
rapport, comfort and trust. For good communication, speak in ways that
allows them to understand you, and in ways, such as by accurately
summarizing and reflecting what they have said, so that they feel heard and
Step 6. Be Encouraging
Praise other people's positive attributes and express admiration and
appreciation for their talents, qualities, accomplishments, values and
courage. Validate their feelings and normalize their reactions. Acknowledge
and endorse their positive aspirations such as their desire to learn and
Step 7. Be Supportive
Support and assist sensitively and compassionately with information,
referrals, contacts, endorsements, backing, coaching, mentoring, teaching
and training.
Step 8. Be Empowering
Empower others by supporting them in making their own decisions. Gently
offer guidance in clarifying goals, considering consequences and choosing
accomplishable steps. Their successes will increase their self-respect,
confidence, sense of responsibility and empowerment.
Step 9. Be Prayerful & Optimistic
Optimistically trust in the essential goodness and growth of others
.Visualize a harmonious relationship, seeing the other blessed in light and
love, protected and growing. Prayers, blessings, affirmations and
visualizations are powerful forces, benefiting everyone!
Step 10. Be Grateful & Gracious
Express your gratitude. Show your appreciation. Be specific with your thanks
and gratitude in a timely fashion. Be grateful and acknowledge what others
mean to you. Showing gratitude works wonders. Be gracious and find grace in
the eyes of the Creator and of Mankind.
Step 11. Be Kind & Caring
Being kind and caring is our true calling, our soul's divine nature. The
benevolent giving of ourselves, with kind gestures, caring attitudes, and
actions, is a blessing and healing for those we give to, and are a blessing
and healing for ourselves.
Step 12. Be A Good Friend
A good friend allows us to give, as well as to receive and feel appreciated.
Even when friends are not equally capable, each has something to give the
other. Creating opportunities for the other to give and gratefully receiving
their gifts are the acts of a good friend.
Step 13. Be Loving
To love is to give unselfishly. God created us with love and He instructed
us to love Him and His creation. Love is our soul's calling. Our destiny is
to be loving, emulating the qualities of God. Love is nurturing & healing,
stimulating emotional, spiritual physical growth & development.
Following the path of these 13 Steps in your search for your soul mate, you
can expect to find, recognize and attract your soul mate walking on the very
same path.
5 Ways to Promote Sibling Harmony
Avoid comparisons. Nothing causes more short- and long-term damage to the
sibling dynamic than comparing academic or extracurricular achievements. ...
Try having them share a room. ...
Intervene when they argue. ...
Introduce meaningful apologies. ...
Predict, prevent, and prepare.