10 Steps to Develop Entrepreneurial Staff

 Moulding Your People into a Pro-active, Productive and Entrepreneurial Team





By Australian Business Limited and Australian Commonwealth ITR Department.
Adapted by Dean Prebble, Howard Frederick, and Vadim





Corporate Environment

Share with staff your definition of entrepreneurship / intrapreneurship and intention of fostering it throughout the corporation well before the plan is complete and the details fixed. Poll staff's fears, seek their input and suggestions: create an atmosphere of excitement and support.


Entrepreneurial Organization

People and Enablers

Intrapreneurial Organization

Smartness/Attitude Matrix







Corporate Vision

Revisit with staff your corporate vision, mission and values.  If these do not permeate the organisation like the  rings of a tree, take the steps necessary to make that happen.

9 Signs of a Losing Organization          Winning Team: 7 Elements Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book

Personal Goals

Are your people encouraged to develop their own personal missions, visions and values? If not, help staffers create them. Should the two be mutually exclusive, then it is in everybody's best interests to help those concerned find another corporation in which there will be no conflict.

Life-Business Synergy


As part of your professional/personal development program offer the associated courses to your staff. Help them to take initiative and to be their best in every area of their lives, including the promotion of your corporation.  >>>


Are there any clients with whom your employees have difficulties working?  On the one hand you clearly want to avoid bringing in work that is simply going to create friction, but on the other, your people may have a different perspective that eliminates the problem.


Give your people the language to express the business of your corporation in simple terms as well as the appropriately technical. The more they share your business and its achievements with all around them, the more people in their lives will understand the work of your company and the more leads will come from completely unexpected sources.  >>>

3Ss of Winning in Business

Help staffers effortlessly introduce themselves

Help your people to effortlessly introduce themselves to individuals and groups not in terms of what they do, but the benefits they bring to the corporation's clients.   >>>

Help staffers effortlessly introduce your company

Help your people find the language uniquely right for them to introduce your corporation to individuals and groups in terms of the benefits of its range of services.  >>>

Impactful Presenter: Kore 10 Tips  


Present or arrange a networking workshop for staff.  Have them learn networking skills, teach them about empathetic, relationship and social media marketing, have them practice asking the open-ended questions. Follow up with group coaching sessions to help staff find the right language for each situation, to disengage from fruitless conversations and to reprise any interactions that didn't go as well as anticipated.

Influencing People: Yin-Yang Strategies          Cultural Differences  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book

Search for Opportunities

Where do staff go, to whom do they speak, what do they read?  Entrepreneurship is not for inside the head only. Your people may already be surrounded by untapped business opportunities waiting to be discovered. Their lives outside of work may not change at all but they will be more alert to opportunities as they arise and the way in which they present themselves will attract more business enquiries. Help them develop their strategies for capitalising on all the opportunities, existing and as yet unrecognised >>>