Jack Welch advice business quotes

Harness your people for competitive advantage. The idea flow from the human spirit is absolutely unlimited.

Jack Welch



Harness Employees for Sustainable Advantage, Business Success PowerPoints for teachers trainers Jack Welch GE success story  

The revolutionary massive changes introduced by Jack Welch worked.

By the mid-1990s GE had become the strongest company in the United States and the most valuable company in the world, as measured in market capitalization.



Jack Welch advice business quotes

The idea flow from the human spirit is absolutely unlimited. All you have to do is tap into that well.

Jack Welch




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Smart & Fast

Winning Organization






Involve Everyone

Business is all about capturing intellect from every person. The way to engender enthusiasm is to allow employees far more freedom and far more responsibility.


Employee Involvement

Creative Leadership






Make Everybody a Team Player

Every leader has both a task to complete and a team  to lead. Leaders must not only produce their personal best. The leader must work as the team member who gets the top results from the whole team. Managers should learn to become team players. Middle managers have to be team leaders, team members and coaches. Take steps against those managers who wouldn't learn to become team players.


Make Everybody a Team Player

GE Leadership Effectiveness Survey

Team Culture

Synergistic Team

Team Creativity




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Smart & Fast








Stretch is a goal or challenge that is significantly beyond the organization's current performance level.  If you do know how to get there – it's not a stretch target.

Stretch targets energize. "We have found that by reaching for what appears to be the impossible, we often actually do the impossible; and even when we don't quite make it, we inevitably wind up doing much better than we would have done."



How To Achieve Impossible

Civilizational Breakthrough

Stretch Goals

Stretch Yourself

Energize Employees



Jack Welch advice business quotes

Stretch essentially means using dreams to set business targets – with no real idea of how to get there.

Jack Welch





Instill Confidence

Create a truly confident workforce. Confidence is a vital ingredient of any learning organization.

The prescription for winning is speed, simplicity, and self-confidence. Self-confident people are open to good ideas regardless of their source and are willing to share them. "Just as surely as speed flows from simplicity, simplicity is grounded in self-confidence."


GE Work-Out


5 Targeted Dimensions of Growth

7 Steps

5 Sessions

Success Stories




PowerPoints for sale

Smart & Fast

Winning Organization






Make Business Fun

Fun must be a big element in your business strategy. No one should have a job they don't enjoy. If you don't wake up energized and excited about tackling a new set of challenges, then you might be in the wrong job. 



Examples of Fun-based Cultures

Behave Like a Small Company

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Jack Welch advice business quotes

Change before you have to.

Jack Welch