Examples of Entrepreneurial Mission




Innompic Games icon Innompic Games

To help people, organizations and countries to unlock their unlimited capabilities for innovation by establishing an inspirational entrepreneurial creativity contest and learning platform for both participating teams and spectators, and by creating next-wave opportunities for innopreneurs throughout the World >>>


Fun4Biz is not just a social network, it helps people grow, shine, prosper, and have greater fun.

Innompic Games

IG Way - What makes Innompic Games so effective and exciting

World's #1 Innompic Games






Business e-Coach Business e-Coach

e-Coach helps individuals and organizations achieve far more and more joyfully by unlocking their unlimited Creativity Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book and Innovativeness Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book.

Business e-Coach e-Muromets

Social virtual business incubator e-Muromets helps physically challenged young people monetize their passion and become inspired and successful solo interpreneurs.

Business e-Coach CimJoy

CimJoy is a smart, empowering and joyful e-world that helps people unfold their talents and achieve their noble dreams, individually or jointly. >>>

Business e-Coach Cimcoin

Breakthrough "Clever IMage" technology is to provide an innovative platform for better life and smarter business.




Case Studies Facebook

Facebook's mission is to lead a more open and connected world.

The mission of the Chan Zuckerberg Initiative is to improve this world for the next generation.  >>>

Case Studies Google

Google's mission is "to organize the world's information and to make it universally accessible and useful."  >>>

Case Studies Walt Disney

Disney's mission: "To make people happy."  >>>

Case Studies 3M

3M's mission: "To solve  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book unsolved problems innovatively."

Case Studies Charles Schwab

Charles R. Schwab founded this firm with a mission: To empower individual investors to take control of their financial lives, free from the high costs and conflicts of traditional brokerage firms.  >>>




Case Studies Chrysler

Chrysler's goal, as written in their mission statement, is clear – it is focused on consumer satisfaction: "Chrysler's primary goal is to achieve consumer satisfaction. We do it through engineering excellence, innovative products Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book, high quality and superior service. And we do it as a team."

Case Studies Toyota

Through “manufacturing of value-added products” and “technological innovation", Toyota is aiming to help create a more prosperous society.

To realize this, the company strives to:

1. Be a driving force in global regeneration by implementing the most advanced environmental technologies.

2. Creating automobiles and a motorized society in which people can live safely, securely and comfortably.  >>>

3. Promote the appeal of cars throughout the world and realize a large increase in the number of Toyota fans.

4. Be a truly global company that is trusted and respected by all people around the world.