Fun4Biz Suggestion System
is a new-generation
social network, a
paradise for creative achievers.

Example of a
Truly Lean Value Chain
Innovative IT-powered Fun4Biz suggestion system focuses on improving people.
It’s all about
attitude motivation,
achievement, continuous growth,
transparency, recognition and involvement.
It is more than just a suggestion system, it is also a great talent
management, communication and
fun system.
Yes, the results and the process are important. The system is absolutely
transparent. Everybody can see the rating of every suggestion, its
implementation status and the name of the person responsible for its
implementation. The database of suggestions is searchable, so that anyone in
the company can learn whether someone had already found a solution to a
similar problem.
Yet, the primary goal of the Fun4Biz suggestion system is to improve people,
to unlock their creative power and make continuous improvement an enjoyable
habit. Fun4Biz makes the best people heroes. Their achievements are visible
and recognized. It shows what every person is best at, helps to use the
talents of every employee to full extent, and thus help both the employee
and the company to achieve much more.
Suggestion System at
Fun4Biz is a global
Internet community of creative achievers. It helps its member develop and
promote globally their
entrepreneurial creativity
skills. There are 9
entrepreneurial creativity contests to
participate in. The system automatically creates lists of laureates and
sortable databases of ideas and calculates personal ratings and ranks of
participants on a monthly basis.
The contest “Suggest
an Improvement” was created initially to involve every
member of Fun4Biz in the process of continuous improvement of this unique system.
The “Suggest an Improvement” record has several classification fields:
Nature of Improvement (Error correction;
Making it nicer; Strategic improvement)
Area of Improvement (Interface; Design;
Communication; Contests; etc.)
Implementability (Easy; Quite a Challenge;
Just a
These classification fields are used for
automatic preparation of the statistical analysis of the performance of the
suggestion system. A team of experts evaluates every suggestion. These
evaluation marks are used for automatic calculation of personal ratings and
ranks of the participants.
Everybody can monitor the progress made in the
implementation of every suggestion. There is a special column “Status” that
shows the current status of each and every suggestion for improvement: Under
consideration; Implemented; Implemented with modifications; Filed for future
use; Cannot be implemented.
See also:
Fun4Biz New Business Model
Radical Improvement (Kaikaku):
Kore 10 Tips
Kaizen Mindset
Lean Enterprise:
Kore 10 Tips
How To
Discover Opportunities
Problem Solving Strategies:
4 Levels

Creative Problem Solving
Kaizen Culture:
8 Key Elements