Winning Customers




Price Negotiation Example

Publishing Sponsored Guest Posts

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo  Vadim Kotelnikov





Reaching a win-win deal by negotiating the price for publishing a sponsored guest post. The negotiations were conducted via e-mail.






We publish sponsored guest posts with do-follow links at out popular websites. From the point of view of pricing for this service, we divided our website in two categories: A and B.

The prices for publishing sponsored guest posts at these websites are as follows.

Category A: US$200 permanent; US$100 /year; maximum discount 50%

Category B: US$100 permanent; US$100 /year; maximum discount 50%

Below is the chain of price negotiation e-mail with a first-time customer.


− Hi, I want to publish a sponsored article at your Category A website. I'll pay you US$20.

− The price is US$100/year.

− Any discount?

− We give 50% discount to our frequent customers.

− I'll send you a lot of business if we agree on price.

− We'll give you 50% discount, which means you will pay US$50/year.

− I need a permanent link.

− For a permanent link the price is US$100, including 50% discount.

− Maximum I can pay is US$35.

− We can publish a permanent sponsored guest post for US$60 at a Category B website.

− I'll pay you US$50.

− Settled.

Long-term win-win business relationships and a new revenue stream have been established.


Pricing for Profit

Three Basic Pricing Strategies

Win-Win Negotiations

5 Strategies and 5 Tactics

Negotiation DOs and DON'Ts

Yin-Yang Negotiation Strategies

Wise Agreement





Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Customer, like a mussel, hides inside his shell when a noisy ad attacks, but may open up to a soft friendly offer.

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo    Business e-Coach    Innompic Games icon