Let me introduce myself as a strategy
implementation practitioner first.
I have been implementing
both lifestyle and venture strategies since previous
I mastered implementation
of lifestyles strategies first while
working on United-Nations international projects.
Afterwards, I moved to the
next level − implementation of
my venture strategies. |
Strategy Implementation: Proven vs. Experimental Business
For a proven business, strategy implementation
is about performing according to known standards.
For an experimental business, strategy implementation is an entrepreneurial
process of trial, learning, and adjusting in pursuit of a
strategic intent.
Why Strategy Implementation
Is So Difficult
Strategy implementation skills are
not easily
mastered, unfortunately. In fact, virtually all managers find implementation
the most difficult aspect of their jobs – more difficult than strategic
analysis or
strategy formulation.
Strategies that are not implemented constitute
little more than academic exercises. The ability to implement strategies is
one of the most valuable of
all managerial skills...
Business Systems Approach to Strategy Implementation
Organizations prosper by achieving strategy
that is implemented as a result of continuous decision-making at all levels
of the business. Performance measures need to be aligned with the
organization's strategy. The
Business Systems approach considers business as system of interrelated
factors of strategy, owners, investors, management, workers, finance,
processes, products, suppliers, customers, and competitors...
Strategic Cross-Functional Management
Strategic cross-functional management is central to capitalizing on
functional excellence, and in order for functional specialists to make the
greatest possible contribution, they must take a broader view of their
functions and understand how they fit into the web of the organizational
processes and, ultimately, into the overall