Strategic plans
should be subjected to timely adjustments to strategic changes
inside and outside the company,

Creating Sustainable Profits:
9 Questions To Answer |
Why Dynamic Strategy?
Today, the
strategy cannot be taken as gospel. There are too many uncertain factors
that nobody can resolve.
Surprise To Win:
3 Strategies
In today's turbulent world, globalization
and technology are sweeping away the market and industry structures that
have historically defined competition. Swept away with them are the classic
approaches to corporate strategy, nearly all of which mistakenly assume that
a predictable path to the future can be paved from the experience of the
Even the best strategy is only a hypothesis. Never
is strategy implementation more
important than when
is at the heart of a strategy. Innovation always involves treading into
uncertain waters, and the importance of
enterprise strategy
decreases as uncertainty increases.
Evolution of a Successful
"Nothing ever comes
out as planned."
~ Seay's Law
Strategy should be dynamic and change
constantly in order to contend with external turbulences. Established
companies should brace themselves for a future of hypercompetition. They
should respond to rapid changes in the business environment by adopting a
new approach to strategy – one that combines
flexibility, and
strategic thinking.
with new strategies is important. Constant testing,
learning from feedback,
adaptation and building on what is found to be successful with customers
is the way ahead, especially when you are trying to
re-invent the value
provided, or the way it is produced and delivered.
Strategy Innovation
To survive in today's tidal wave of global
economic, technological, and social change, you must understand how
powerful forces are aggregating once-distinct product and geographic
markets, enhancing market-clearing efficiency, and increasing
specialization in the
chain. You should respond by adopting a new approach to strategy –
one that combines
speed, openness,
flexibility, and
forward-focused thinking.
3Ss of
Winning in Business
Strategy innovation is about challenging
existing industry methods of
creating customer value
in order to meet newly emerging customer needs, add additional value, and
create new markets and new customer groups for the sponsoring company...