Most Common Enemies of Innovation
in a
Large Corporation
Non-Inspiring Management. If
CEO is a "living dead“, a “know-it-all” person who asks employees to
to innovate and grow but doesn’t serve as a
role model, employees will not be inspired to
Inspirational Leader:
10 Roles
Weak Project Leader. if the
team leader is under-entrepreneurial, non-inspiring, non-guiding,
non-flexible, slow and poor decision maker, an innovation project has no
chances to succeed.
Entrepreneurial Leader:
4 Attributes

Underperforming Team. Lack
creative dissatisfaction,
entrepreneurial creativity and initiative, poor motivation and
teamwork are the signs of an underperforming
innovation team. Lack
of entrepreneurial spirit and a
burning desire to win is deadly for innovation because breakthrough
ideas are not accepted easily by neither customers nor by organizational
10 Commandments of

Innovation-unfriendly Organization.
Complacent, risk-averse, blame culture kills all seeds of innovation.
Fear to make a mistake is the biggest impediment to innovation within a
losing organization.
If an organization is
bureaucratic and too caught up with the past, it loses sight of
opportunities for the future. If employees are not empowered to try new
things, they don’t innovate. >>>
Innovation Is Not Institutionalized.
Here are the most typical barriers to innovation: the
innovation system has
weak or broken links;
collaboration that is at the root of all great innovations is not
facilitated; the criteria for
idea evaluation,
decision making, investment or rewards are not clear to everybody;
innovation process is neither effective no exciting.
The Jazz of Innovation:
11 Guiding Principles
