
VadiK teachings Vadim Kotelnikov

Entrepreneurial Leadership

New managerial task in the era of rampant change

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon


Leadership Attributes Entrepreneurial Leadership Entrepreneurial Creativity Risk Taking Results-based Leadership Take Action 4 Entrepreneurial Strategies Creating Sustainable Value Vadim Kotelnikov Coaching by Example Leadership e-Coach Enrepreneurial Leadership: 4 Specific Attributes  

Entrepreneurial leadership involves instilling the confidence to think, behave and act with entrepreneurship in the interests of fully realizing the intended purpose of the organization to the beneficial growth of all stakeholders involved.





Creativity of Entrepreneurial Leaders

Entrepreneurial Creativity is about coming up with innovative ideas and turning them into value-creating profitable business activities.

Entrepreneurial creativity = creativity × entrepreneurial action.






Three Action Roles of Entrepreneurial Leaders

① Initiate new business ideas and business models

② Look for and pursue promising entrepreneurial opportunities

③ Nurture initiative and intrapreneurship in their organization

  Volatility Leadership Energizing Employees Coaching Leadership Attributes Entrepreneurial Creativity Strategic Thinking Balanced Approach to Business Systems Results-based Leadership Opportunity-driven Business Development Change Management Venture Management Effective Leadership Entrepreneurial Leadership Results-based Leadership Pursuing Opportunities Organizational Change Synergistic Marketing New People Partnership Sustainable Growth Strategies Leadership e-Coach Entrepreneurial Leadership: Attributes, Roles, Delivering Results




Growing Role of Entrepreneurial Leadership

In the new era of rapid change and and relentless innovation, managerial work becomes increasingly a leadership task.

"It is a constant struggle to find people who can be both entrepreneurial and conventional leaders... Finding them is the fundamental issue in any company that wants to grow," said Roger Ackerman, a legendary CEO of Corning






Entrepreneurial Leader: waltz up with everything  

In the increasingly turbulent and competitive environment firms face today, a new type of "entrepreneurial" leader distinct from other behavioral forms of managerial leadership is required.






Coaching by Example

My 10-3-1 Strengths

Mission-driven Innovator

Impact Innovator

Harmony Innovator

UX Innovator

Proactive Futurist

Blue-Ocean Innovator

Innovation Guru


Leading Change

3 Phases and 3 Masteries

Leading Change by Asking Questions

Leading Organizational Change






Balanced Organization

5 Basic Elements

Corporate Leadership (Fire):

Seven Sources of Entrepreneurial Opportunities

By Peter Drucker


  1. The unexpected – the unexpected success, the unexpected failure, the unexpected outside event... More

Learning SWOT Questions

  • What went unexpectedly well and why?

  • Are there any new directions to be explored?... More

12 Effective Leadership Roles

  1. Create an inspiring vision; establish shared values; give direction and set stretch goals... More

Inspirational Leadership

10 Roles

  1. Encourage entrepreneurial creativity and experimentation... More

Major Leadership Schools: Correlation

Leadership-Management Synergy

Leaders: Pursue opportunities. Managers: Reduce risks.

► Resulting synergy: Strategic Achievement.

Turning Failures To Opportunities

3 Steps

  1. Get rid of all negative emotions – and lean: There is no failure, only feedback!... More

Leadership is the primary force behind successful change.

Leaders empower employees to act on the Vision. They execute through inspiration and develop implementation capacity networks through a complex web of aligned relationships.

Leadership-Management Synergy 

Entrepreneurial Mindset

Venture values are different from established corporate shared values Venture leadership is about leading in a rapidly changing, often hostile business environment.

"Entrepreneurial independence demands space for action and trust, while independence in a corporation implies responsibility and control imposed from above. Entrepreneurial speed demands agility, rapid experimentation, adaptation, and rapid response in order to be first to market. Corporate experimentation comprises analysis, review, sober consideration of facts, and willingness sacrifice speed for thoroughness. Entrepreneurial paranoia  competitors are catching up to us – is overshadowed by an essential need to build corporate consensus and minimize perceived risk," says Donald L. Laurie, the author of Venture Catalyst : The Five Strategies for Explosive Corporate Growth... More

Specific Leadership Attributes

Entrepreneurial leaders have some specific leadership attributes.  Entrepreneurial leadership is leadership that is based on the attitude that the leader is self-employed. Leaders of this type:

Steve Jobs' 12 Rules of Success

18 Leadership Lessons from Colin Powell

  • You don't know what you can get away with until you try. Good leaders don't wait for official blessing to try out. If you ask enough people for permission, you inevitably come up against someone who believes his job is to say "no". So, the moral is, don't ask.... More

Why Change Fails: 8 Errors Leaders Make

Create an Inspiring Vision

Your vision statement should be short and inspiring. It must set a challenging and stretching goal that gives employees enormous freedom in finding ways to achieve it.

You have also to communicate the message that doing what you do now, only better, is not enough. If you do what you always did then you will not even get what you always got as you have to keep growing to stay where you are. "You have to do something different to get different results. You have to do something significantly smarter significantly smarter to get significantly better results."7

Entrepreneurial Creativity

Entrepreneurial Creativity is about coming up with innovative ideas and turning them into value-creating profitable business activities.

Entrepreneurial creativity = creativity × entrepreneurial action... More

Leading Innovation

Leading innovation is a delicate and challenging process. You need to encourage expansive out-of-the-box thinking to generate new ideas, but also filter through these ideas to decide which to commercialize. Use a balanced "loose-tight" style of leadership for this purpose. "Loose-tight leadership alternates the creation of space for idea generation and free exploration with a deliberate tightening that selects and tests specific ideas for further investment and development."2

Looseness usually dominates the early stages of the innovation process; in the later stages, tightening becomes more important to scrutinize the concepts and bring the selected ones to the market.

A balanced approach is essential to loose-tight leadership. Those who remain loose too long generate plenty of ideas but have difficulty commercializing them. Those who lock into the tight mode choke off all but most obvious ideas, thus confining innovation to incremental line extensions of existing products that add little value... More

10 Key Project Leader Skills

25 Lessons from Jack Welch


Change and Leadership...

Transforming Existing Organizational Structures Into an Entrepreneurial Ecosystem...

Making Quick Decisions...

Discovering and Pursuing Opportunities...

What Today's Workplace Needs Its Leaders To Do...

Creative Leadership...

Continuous Rewriting of Leadership Rules...

Tips for Making the Vision a Reality...

Leading Transformational Change...

Making Big Changes...

10 Steps to Develop Entrepreneurial Staff...

Creating Change...

Leading Change...

Leading Radical Innovation...

Overcoming Resistance to Change...

Rewrite Leadership Rules Continuously...




  1. Extreme Management, Mark Stevens

  2. Relentless Growth, Christopher Meyer

  3. Entrepreneurs, Bill Bolton and John Thompson

  4. Lead to Succeed, Colin Turner

  5. Leading on the Edge off Chaos, Emmet C. Murphy and Mark A. Murphy

  6. Venture Catalyst : The Five Strategies for Explosive Corporate Growth, Donald L. Laurie

  7. The Leader's Guide To Lateral Thinking," Paul Sloane

  8. Modern Management, Ninth Edition, Sameul C. Certo

  9. "On the Edge of Order and Chaos," Centre for Entreplexity

Pursuing Opportunities

Rapid Experimentation and Beta-Testing

Smart Executive

Techniques for Fast Idea Evaluation and Decision Making

Steve Jobs

Steve Jobs vs. Others

Steve Jobs' 12 Rules of Success

Extreme Leadership

Extreme Leadership: 10 Best Practices

Entrepreneurial Creativity

Turning Problems To Opportunities

Opportunity Quotes

Radical Project Management (RPM)

Specific Skills of Radical Project Managers

Case Studies

GE Digital X-Ray Project

Risk Management

Risk Taking Quotes

3 Strategies of Market Leaders

Tao of Value Innovation