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Success Secrets

The Wheel of Personal Success

6Ws of Business Success

Success Quotes


KoRe Life-Business e-Coach by Vadim Kotelnikov


Vadim Kotelnikov

My definition of success in life is simple and utmost practical: your way of life is successful if you end up in heaven.

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo VadiK

Inventor Business e-Coach

Author Innoball

Founder Innompic Games icon



Master Keys

3 Masteries  ▪  6Ws  ▪  80/20 Principle

Business Desire  ▪  Burning Belief

Don't Be Lesser than Yourself

Waltz Up with Everything

You Can Fly  ▪  Success Quotes

  Success - definition by Most Useful Dictionary, Vadim Kotelnikov



Harmonious Economy

Harmonious Growth

Harmonious Innovation

Harmonious MegaInnovation

Harmonious Outcomes


Harmony Master


Keys to Harmonious Economy

From Harmonious Innovation to Harmonious Development





Internet Business: Success Stories

KoRe e-Coach  ▪  Google  ▪  Amazon  ▪  Facebook

Alibaba  ▪  Charles Schwab  ▪  Dell

Virtuous Spiral



Systemic Experimentation














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"WOW This is one of the best website I ever seen, it become one of my daily routine website, it is very informative and helpful website specially when it comes to business."

~ Mohammad Arif Khan (Ralph Khan

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"This is extremely exceptional all-in-one wealthy enlightening site. With its wide spectrum of knowledge fields, it is really inspiring and encouraging to all innovators and entrepreneurs who are seeking distinctiveness either on the personal or on the corporate levels... I do highly respect and admire the vision and mission you have adopted. I am a management consultant that highly appreciate your knowledge and effort and found my self oblige to say THANK YOU Dr. Vadim Kotelnikov."

~ Ali H. Awari, President, AHA & Partners Mgmt. Consulting Firm


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