Helping staff develop and maintain a
collaborative culture
Norms of collective responsibility and
continuous improvement encourage people to teach each other how to
do things better. Transformational leaders involve staff in
goal setting, reduce isolation, use bureaucratic
mechanisms to support
cultural changes, share leadership with others
delegating power, and actively
communicate the company's
values, norms and beliefs.
Fostering staff development
motivation for
development is enhanced when they internalize goals for professional
growth. This process is facilitated when they are strongly committed
to a
corporate mission.
inspire and
energize people, corporate
goals should be explicit and
ambitious but not unrealistic.
Helping people
solve problems
more effectively
Transformational stimulates people to
engage in new activities and put forth that "extra effort".
Transformational leaders use practices primarily to help staff
work smarter, not harder. These leaders share a genuine
belief that their staff members as a group could develop better
solutions than the leader could alone. |