
Total Systemwide Cultural Transformation
of Your Organization and its Workforce


Conceptualized by William E. Joyce


  Change Management: Yin-Yang Strategies


MegaChange is a total systemwide cultural transformation of your organization. It means designing and transforming organizations based on assumptions of human capability rather than limitations using the tools of the modern resource-based management model.


Balanced Organization: 5 Basic Elements  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book



25 Lessons from Jack Welch  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book



Organizational Change

Evolutionary vs. Revolutionary Change

Organizational Transformation    System Approach to Change

Corporate Leader

Business Architect >> Cross-functional Expertise    Systems Thinking

Leading Change    Making Big Changes >> 25 Lessons from Jack Welch


1st Innompic Games

GE  >>  Jack Welch Turns managers to LEADERS

Cultural Transformation at Monsanto  >>  Core 32 Program


Key Features of MegaChange

Capability focused
MegaChange is based upon assumptions of
human and organizational capabilities rather than limitations.

MegaChange is not a mere transition, it is cultural transformation of your organization.

MegaChange is not piecemeal, it is systemwide.

Balanced Business System  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book

Concepts, actions, and tools
MegaChange is produced using and integrated set of concepts, actions, and tools, not just tools without concepts.

MegaChange affects everyone in the organization. It results in a joint optimization of organizational and individual performance, capability and satisfaction.

Employee Empowerment: Yin-Yang Balance

MegaChange results in new and changed ways of
thinking, acting, and cooperating.

3Bs of Strategic Creativity

Theory for practice
MegaChange is not a theory or practice. It is a
synergy of both.

Master of Business Synergies Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book

MegaChange is not about restructuring or reengineering, it is about reformation. It reforms structural concepts, actions, and tools necessary for creating organizations that achieve extraordinary levels of productivity and satisfaction by engaging human capability rather than denying it.




Jack Welch advice business quotes

Shun the incremental, and look for the quantum leap. Change before you have to.  >>>

Jack Welch


Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Change-Leadership Perpetuum Mobile: Change creates leaders; Leaders create change.

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo   Business e-Coach   Innompic Games icon