Inspiring Culture:
5 Elements

18 Leadership Lessons from
Colin Powell
Never neglect details. When everyone's mind is
dulled or distracted
the leader must be doubly vigilant. Good
delegate and
empower others liberally, but they pay
attention to details, every day.
The job of the leader is not to be the chief organizer, but the chief
Quick and Easy Kaizen
Quick and Easy Kaizen
empowers employees, enriches the work
experience and brings out the best in every person. It Improves quality, safety,
cost structures, delivery, environments, throughput and customer service...
Principles of
Toyota Production System
Employee involvement and empowerment...
Case in Point
Production System (CPS)
Canon Production System (CPS) includes:
Three Stages of the
Suggestion System
1. Encouragement. In the first stage,
management should make every effort to help the workers
provide suggestions,
no matter how primitive, for the betterment of the worker's job and the
workshop. This will help the workers look at the way they are doing their
Case in Point
14 TQM Slogans at Pentel
Pentel is a Japanese firm manufacturing stationary
products. The following is a list of 14 Pentel's slogans for explaining
Total Quality Management (TQM) and
Quick and Easy Kaizen philosophy to its employees.
Empowerment through
The new breed of leaders recognizes that in
today's complex business environment autocracy no longer works, yet the
empowerment alone is not enough. Coaching
aims to enhance the learning ability and performance of others.
"It involves providing
but also uses other techniques such as
motivation, effective questioning and consciously matching your
management style to the player's readiness to undertake a particular task.
It is based on helping the player to help her/himself through interacting
dynamically with her/him - it does not rely on a one-way flow of telling and
Keep People In The Know
empower others by keeping them "in the know," by keeping them
fully informed on everything that effects their jobs," says
Brian Tracy.
"People want and need to feel that they are insiders, that
they are aware of everything that is going on. There is nothing
so demoralizing to a staff member than to be kept in the dark
about their work and what is going on in the company."...
Empowering the People Around You
General Rules
The three general rules for empowering the people
around you, which apply to everyone you meet, are appreciation, approval, and
attention. Voice your thanks and gratitude to others on every occasion. Praise
them for every accomplishment. And pay close attention to them when they talk
and want to interact with you. These three behaviors alone will make you a
master of human interaction and will greatly empower the people around
Case in Point
Jack Welch and GE
Some years ago, in locations
throughout GE, local managers were operating in an insulated environment
with Chinese walls separating them, both horizontally and vertically, from
other departments and their workforce. Employee questions, initiatives, and
feedback were discouraged.
In the new
Jack Welch,
CEO, GE, "viewed this as anathema. He
believed in creating
an open collaborative workplace
where everyone's opinion was welcome."3 He wrote in a letter to
shareholders: "If you want to get the benefit of everything employees have,
you've got to free them
make everybody a participant. Everybody has to know everything, so they
can make the right decisions by themselves."
Management Functions...
Two Common
Traits of Great Leaders and Managers...
Balance between Authority and Employee Empowerment...
Entrepreneurial Staff...
10 Steps to Empowerment...
Ownership of Quality...
Caring Is the Key...
Getting Employees Involved...
25 Lessons from jack Welch: Involve Everyone..
Letting the Best Idea Win...
Emotional Task of the Leader...
Creative Leadership...
Employee Self-Leadership the Key to Success in the New Economy...
Building and Nurturing Customer Relationships...
Case in Point
"Great Game of Business"...
Case in Point
Hewlett-Packard Way...
Case in Point
Dell Inc...
Case in Point
Silicon Valley Firms...
