Leading Innovation
Energizing Employees
Maintain a Fresh Perspective with Your Employees
10 Tips for Creating an Innovative Workforce
By: Bob Nelson, the author of 1001 Ways to Energize Employees
Encourage employees to think outside the box and work outside of the rigid constraints of your organization >>>
Cultivate and manage creativity
Encourage intiative >>>
Allow employees to set aside time to think and plan – to work on the business
Reward risk taking >>>
Encourage employees to learn a variety of skills and develop cross-functional excellence >>>
Encourage employees to ask "Why?" and "Why Not?" questions >>>
Be accessible >>>
Hire smart people
Hire a diverse group of individuals >>>
Treat your company like family.
Richard Branson
New People Partnership
→ Inspiring People
Flat Organizational Structure
Get Less Formal
Attitude Motivation >> Give a WOW
Motivational Coaching
Incentive Motivation >> Reward Systems
Cross-functional Expertise
→ Leadership-Management Synergy
→ Inspirational Leader
Establishing a Relentless Growth Attitude
→ Loose-Tight Leadership
Freedom To Fail ● The Fun Factor
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