

Innovation Management by Cross-functional Teams

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Cross-Functional Team Meetings


Cross-functional innovation team, benefits, composition, new product develoment




Star Team





Meetings of a cross-functional innovation team should be held regularly to:

→ re-inspire, re-align, re-energize, and re-unite innovators;

→ build a sense of informality, trust, rapport, shared understanding of the future, and creative dissatisfaction with the present;

→ facilitate cross-pollination of ideas, group creativity and social interaction, build lateral listening and ideative listening (listendipity) skiils;

→ allow team members opportunities to discuss trends and discontinuities in relation to technologies, customer needs and desires, value innovation, system and product/service attributes, and strategies for winning and/or creating customers;

→ consider goals of the team members in relation to their resources;

brainstorm innovative ideas and solutions;

→ play entrepreneurial simulation games, such as  InnoBall (Innovation Brainball) with most promising ideas;

→ develop an implementation strategy and a delivery plan.


Intellectual Teamwork

Intellectual Cross-Pollination

Idea Management

Creativity Management

How To Stimulate Generation of Radical Ideas

Creative Chaos Environment

Loose-Tight Leadership

Techniques for Fast Evaluation of Ideas

Team Creativity

Creativity in Groups


Social Interactions





Trend Creation Competencies









Innovation Process A-Z/360

