Fast-Paced Flexible
Michael Dell |
Inspiring Culture:
5 Elements
Facilitate Personal Growth.
Cultivate commitment to personal growth. Success isn't static – and
your culture shouldn't be either. Pay attention to what your best
people are achieving, and build an infrastructure that rewards
mastery. The best way to keep the most talented people is to allow
their jobs to change with them. Sometimes, reducing their
responsibilities will give them the space to tackle new
opportunities and to expand – and your business will expand too...
"No matter how motivated an employee is,
his or her performance is going to suffer if there isn't a supportive
work environment." ~ Stephen Robbins
Create Customer Value:
10 Lessons from Konosuke Matsushita
Extreme Management, Mark Stevens
Exceptional Customer Service, Lisa Ford, David McNair, and Bill Perry
The Welch Way, Jeffrey A. Krames
The Coaching Culture,
Leadership Guide Magazine
Motivating Employees,
Kerry Larkan
Inspiring People:
4 Strategies
Creative Dissatisfaction
Employee Empowerment:
Yin-Yang Balance
The greatest management
principle is that the things that get rewarded get done. The only way employees
will fulfill your dream is to share in the dream. Reward systems are the
mechanisms that make this happen...
Fun Factor – a Big Element of Your Business Strategy
As business today is about passion and winning
and creating new things, fun has become a big element in the
strategy of many
highly successful businesses.
No one should have a job they don't enjoy. "If
you don't wake up energized and excited about tackling a new set of
challenges, then you might be in the wrong job."3...
“Some data show the
quality of the relationship between boss and subordinate is a major
predictor of intentions to remain,” says Davis Fitzhugh, professor
of business administration at Harvard University. “→
which can help managers talk with subordinates about their
developmental needs, absolutely affects the relationship positively.
And that’s a big payoff.”
A study of 100 executives
made by Manchester Inc. showed that a combination of change-oriented
coaching and growth-oriented coaching resulted in an average return
on investment of 5.7 times the initial investment, with a myriad of
specific improvements. For example, customer service improved 39%,
bottom line profitability increased 22%, working relationship with
direct reports improved as reported by 77% of executives, and job
satisfaction soared 61%...
and Easy
Quick and easy
Kaizen is aimed at
increasing productivity,
and worker satisfaction, all from a very grassroots level.
Every company employee is encouraged to come
up with ideas – however small – that could improve his/her particular job
activity, job environment or any company process for that matter. The
employees are also encouraged to implement their ideas as small changes can
be done by the worker him or herself with very little investment of time...
& Johnson
Our Credo
"... We are responsible to our employees, the
men and women who work with us throughout the world. Everyone must be
considered as an individual. We must respect their dignity and recognize
their merit. They must have a sense of security in their jobs. Compensation
must be fair and adequate, and working conditions clean, orderly and safe.
We must be mindful of ways to help our employees fulfill their family
responsibilities. Employees must feel free to
make suggestions and complaints. There must be equal opportunity for
employment, development and advancement for those qualified. We must provide
competent management, and their actions must be just and ethical."...