





Leadership Styles

Correlation among various leadership schools

Vadim Kotelnikov

Vadim Kotelnikov, founder of 1000ventures - personal logo Vadim Kotelnikov





Effective Leadership Leadership Attributes Vadim Kotgelnikov Quotes Principle-centered Leadership Values-based Leadership Inclusive Leadership Balanced Business System Results-based Leeadership Situational Leadership Strategic Leadership Superleadership Entrepreneurial Leadership Volatility Leadership Creative Leadership Leadership e-Coach Transformational Leadership Inspirational Leadership Leadership Schools Leader 360 Managerial Leadership

Leadership Styles and Schools


  Leadership vs. Management


Leader 360



"No person can be a great leader unless he takes genuine joy in the success of those under him." ~ W.A. Nanc 

Super-leaders help each of their followers to develop into an effective self-leader by providing them with the behavioral and cognitive skills necessary to exercise self-leadership. "Super-leaders establish shared values, model, encourage, reward, and in many other ways foster self-leadership in individuals, teams, and wider organizational cultures.'2... More


  9 Roles of a Team Leader


Creative Leadership DOs and DON'Ts

  • Don't direct; Inspire... More

12 Major Causes of Failure in Leadership

Inspirational Leadership: 10 Roles

  1. Provide an inspiring vision and strategic alignment, launch a crusade... More

Venture Leadership

Venture leadership is about leading in a rapidly changing, often hostile business environment.

This leadership style is especially relevant when you innovate proactively, launch a world-changing high-growth startup, lead a big change or radical innovation project. Leading such ventures is a war-style journey because they have a lot of diverse enemies.

Inspirational Leadership

Inspirational leaders supply a shared vision and inspire people to achieve more than they may ever have dreamed possible. People change when they are emotionally engaged and committed... More

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Entrepreneurial leaderships involves instilling the confidence to think, behave and act with entrepreneurship in the interests of fully realizing the intended purpose of the organization to the beneficial growth of all stakeholders involved.... More

Transformational Leadership

Transformational leadership empowers people to greatly exceed their previous levels of accomplishment. This dynamic and innovative leadership style challenges and motivates an entire organization – top to bottom. They put passion and energy into everything. They care about people and want people to succeed. The result is individual, group, and organizational achievement beyond expectations... More

Leadership-Management Synergy 

Results-based Leadership

What is missing in most leadership-related writings and teachings, is the lack of attention to results. And this is what results-based leadership is all about: how organizational capabilities and leadership competencies lead to and are connected to desired results... More

Values-Based Leadership

Values-based leadership is a must in modern flat organizations characterized by transparency and easy availability of information. As Steve Jobs, the co-founder of Apple Computer, put it, "The only thing that works is management by values. Find people who are competent and really bright, but more importantly, people who care exactly about the same things you care about."... More

Principle-Centered Leadership

Principle-centered leaders are men and women of character who work on the basis of natural principles and build those principles into the center of their lives, into the center of their relationships with others, into the center of their agreements and contracts, into their management processes, and into their mission statements... More

Extreme Leadership

Extreme leadership is a radical new leadership model for the new era of rapid, dramatic and unpredictable change.  Extreme leadership should be practiced when you must take "a radical leap" or create major change in your workplace. An extreme leader is the one who cultivates love, generates energy, inspires audacity, and provides roof. Extreme leaders aren't afraid to take risks, make mistakes in front of employees, or actively solicit employee feedback... More

Situational Leadership

Your leadership style is how you behave when you are trying to influence the performance of others. It is the way you supervise or work with someone. The are four leadership styles (but there is no one best leadership style): Directing; Coaching; Supporting; and Delegating... More

Strategic Leadership

Strategic leaders provide the vision, direction, the purpose for growth, and context for the success of the corporation. It also initiates "outside-the-box" thinking to generate future growth. Strategic leadership provides the umbrella under which businesses devise appropriate strategies and create value... More






Vadim Kotelnikov advice quotes

Coaching by Example

Vadim Koelnikov personal logo


Leadership East-West style Vadim Kotelnikov, KIET, India, Innompic Games

Eastern-Western Leadership

Here is an illustration of a mixed Eastern-Western leadership style: as the leader, I am in front (Western style), but I am not seen (Eastern style).






1. Leaders: The Strategies for Taking Charge, W. Bennis

2. The New Superleadership, Charles C. Manz and Henry P. Sims, Jr.

3. Leading on the Edge of Chaos, Emmet C. Murphy and Mark A. Murphy


Managerial Leadership

Affiliative Leadership

Personal Development Leadership Philosophy

Extreme Leadership Mindset