Classic Management: 5 Functions

Motivating and Communicating


Case Studies



Enhancing cooperation between managers and workers




Vadim Kotelnikov inspirational speaker new management mode

"Growth 10+ is people 10+. Boost performance of employees by synergizing your management and leadership roles."

~ VadiK


The worker's attitude can vary all the way from passivity to highly creative contributions to progress. You must design and implement the best forms of cooperation between the management and the worker.





Communication and Motivation

– the Twins of the Knowledge-based Economy

  • Those without information can't contribute responsibly

  • Those with information find themselves compelled to act

Manager's Tasks

Motivating Different People in Different Ways7

  • Senior Manager – motivate your superiors to perceive that what you request suits their own purposes: for instance, improving management information with a new system.

  • Colleague – motivate your colleagues to feel that by helping and supporting you they are pursuing their own ends: for instance, putting together a joint plan for something... >>>

  • Subordinate – motivate your subordinates to think that following your instructions will bring them satisfaction: for instance, taking over responsibility for an entire job.

Three Ps of Traditional Motivation

  • Placement

  • Promotion

  • Pay... More

Qualities You Must Possess to Motivate Staff Effectively7

Staff will not commit to an uncommitted manager, so it is important that you motivate yourself as well as others:

Four Kinds of Communication within Organization

  • downward

  • upward

  • lateral (horizontal)

  • diagonal

Communication Strategy as a Process8

  • Provides a forum for input into decisions

  • Describes direction and status along the way

  • Answers questions

  • Surfaces resistance

  • Links individuals horizontally and informally

Components of the Communication Environment8

  • the opinion leaders in the different target audiences

  • the resistance and support to be expected

  • the group think

  • the expectations

  • the objectives

Organizational Change

8 Common Errors in Organizational Change Efforts


Business Skills

Business Communication    Meeting

Venture Marketer


8 Basic Needs That Motivate    What Motivates Employees

Attitude Motivation

Incentive Motivation    Reward System

Strategic Motivation    Strategic Motivation System

Managerial Communication

How To Communicate Effectively Your Ideas to Others

Project Communication  >>  Visibility Room    Status Report

Manager's Listening Skills

Balanced Manager

Decentralization and Delegation

Coaching    Skill / Will Matrix


Unleashing the Power of Motivation

Motivation is the process of stimulating an individual to take action that will accomplish a desired goal.

Highly motivated individuals can bring about substantial increases in productivity and job satisfaction and substantial decreases in tardiness, grievances, absenteeism, and so forth. Your motivation strategy will determine how easily you can get down and do a task.

Strategic Motivation

Without strategic motivation, without the organization's enthusiastic involvement and participation of inspired employees, it is impossible to implement any strategic plan... More

Motivate Through Communicating Your Strategic Focus

"I know you believe you understand what you think I said,
but I am not sure you realize that what you heard is not what I meant."

Provide strategic direction. Attitude motivation depends on having clear objectives.

Since motivation is personal, aim to align staff's individual drives with the company's purposes in general and your unit's in particular.

"Most companies are filled with people who have no clue of the big picture what the organization is really trying to accomplish and because they don't feel that they or their contributions are important, they do their job... and nothing more".6 To unleash the power of your organization and achieve exceptional results, you must empower employees and motivate them to follow through on your strategic focus. Your business will be able to bring new products/services to the market much faster if "everyone within the organization had their heart and soul wrapped up in taking aim and shooting at the same target".6 

Effective Communication: Organizational Perspective

Downward communication: for communication to be successful, managers must insure that all necessary information is included in the transmission in a form that is acceptable to the subordinate.

Upward communication: the key to successful upward communication is the trust of the subordinate who is doing the communicating. If there is no trust, the subordinate will be tempted to play it safe and only transmit desired information. Managers have to work at earning and keeping and employee's trust.

Lateral (horizontal) communication, between different individuals or departments on the same organizational level, and diagonal communication, between two different organizational level, are vital to the workings of a complex contemporary business. They allow individuals with diverse knowledge to contribute to problem solution in different parts of an organization and serving to link groups and spread information. These informal communication networks are used by almost all successful managers to monitor employee communication and to reach employees quickly without the often cumbersome official organizational communication channels.

Managerial Communication

Communication strategy is a coherence linkage never to be overlooked. Communication needs to be comprehensively planned and spontaneous, as well as top-down and bottom-up.

Communication processes, including the target audience, the message, the means of communication, the frequency, the rationale, and the selection of communicators, must be tailored to each purpose and constituency... More 

Lessons from Jack Welch: 3Ss of Winning in Business

Simplicity: Simplicity is indispensable to a business leader's most important function: creating and projecting a clear vision. Simple messages travel faster... More

Burson-Marsteller, a world's largest public relations agency,  created a company called "SynerGenics" that not only helps a company define its corporate culture but rolls up its sleeves with the company's executives to help them implement an "employee involvement" program. According to  Geoffrey Nightingale, the former President of SynerGenics, "the central problem in employee involvement is communication. When top management says to us, `We want a company that behaves differently,' we know the solution lies with communications." ... More



  1. The Effective Executive, Peter Drucker

  2. Growing Your Business, PricewaterhouseCoopers

  3. Motivation and Goal-Setting, Jim Cairo

  4. Extreme Management, Mark Stevens

  5. The Basics of Leadership, Merlin Ricklefs

  6. It's not the BIG and eats the SMALL... it's the FAST that eats the SLOW, J.Jennings and L. Haughton

  7. Essential Manager's Manual, Robert Heller & Tim Hindle

  8. The Centerless Corporation, by Bruce A.Pasternack and Albert. J. Viscio