



Hard Skills make you eligible.
Soft skills make you desirable. Vadim Kotelnikov personal logo

Groundbreaking Soft Skills empower you to create remarkable positive change in yourself, your organization and its business.





Groundbreaking Soft Skills Soft Skills Pyramid Vadim Kotelnikov Leader 360 Soft Skills Instrapreneur Creating Synergies Creating Change Groundbreaking Soft Skills




Leader 360

As a groundbreaking leader 360, you must first lead yourself towards stretch goals and breakthrough achievements. Further, you must be an inspiring leader for others around you, lead positive change and demonstrate appropriate interpersonal skills. A business leader 4.0 must also know how to lead in a rapidly changing chaotic environment and master the skills of an Entrepreneurial leader, an Innovation leader, a Creative leader, and, when required, an Extreme leader.

Intrapreneurs take initiative to create positive change and innovation, demonstrate entrepreneurial creativity, discover and pursue opportunities, take risk, experiment with new ideas, turn failures to steps to success and spin-off opportunities, and ultimately create breakthrough innovative value for the business, its customers and other stakeholders.
Intrapreneurship includes individual intrapreneurial attitudes and skills, intrapreneurial leadership, intrapreneurial teamwork, and intrapreneurial implementation of proactive, sometimes radical, change projects and initiatives.

Synergy Master

The fourth industrial revolution (Industry 4.0) made interdisciplinary synergy innovation the main source of business growth. Masters of Business Synergies (MBS) who can synergize capabilities, resources, diversities, functions, and innovations are in growing demand.



     Anticipation Skills  >>  Anticipate Change  >>  PTASAS Tips


Emfographics Sell Benefits Unique Selling Proposition (USP) What Makes People Buy Sales Presentation: Sell Twin Benefits Customer Success e-Coach Sales Presentation: How To Make and Sell Benefits General and Specific

    Venture Marketer, how to market a startup, Vadim Kotelnikov Dennis, emfographics



Business Communication

Articulate Your Vision

Project Communication

Public Relations Marketing

Communicate the Strategic Direction

Speaking    Writing    Meeting


Venture Presentation

8 Issues in 8 Minutes    How To Make


How To Keep Your Audience Interested


Negotiation DOs and DON'Ts

Negotiation Tips    Conduct During Negotiations

Separate the People from the Problem

3Bs of Strategic Creativity

Managerial Communication

Be Charismatic

Presentation: Focus On Your Audience

Influencing People: Yin-Yang Strategies


Loose-Tight Leadership  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book

Cultural Differences  Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book

4 NLP Perceptual Positions

Empathetic Marketing

Emotional Marketing

Selling Is Problem Solving

Synergistic Selling: 3 Components

Business Skills


Time Management

Self-Management  >>  Grow  /  Questions  /  Performance

People Skills 360

Win-Win Mindset

Creating Greater Value for People Around You

Intellectual Teamwork

Team Creativity  >>  10 Tips


Quick Evaluation of Ideas

Managing Cross-cultural Differences

Cross-Cultural Communication