Holistic Thinking Defined
Holistic thinking is
the ability to see things as a whole (or holistically),
to understand and predict the many different
types of relationships between the many elements in a complex system, and
perceive the
whole picture through sensing its large-scale patterns.
Thinking vs.
Analytic Thinking
If you look at
something from one point of view only, you can see very little of
Holistic thinking is characterized by dialectical reasoning and
involves understanding a system by sensing its
large-scale patterns and reacting to them. Holistic thinkers
believe that events are the products of both internal and external forces and
situations. They tend to give broad attention to the
big picture, context,
conflicts, and background elements in visual scenes...
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Life Design
The Wheel of Life
Balanced Life
Business Design
Business Design Thinking
Systems and
"I shall proceed from the
simple to the complex. But in
war more than in any other subject we must begin
by looking at the nature of the whole; for here more than elsewhere the part and
the whole must always be thought of together."
Carl Von Clausewitz
The concept of "wholeness" is very important in
system analysis. The system must be viewed as a whole and modified
only through changes in its parts.
Personal Success 360
Leadership Success 360
Customer Success 360
Innovation Success 360 |
Holistic Thinking
Systems Thinking
holistic thinking is often used synonymously with systems thinking.
Systems thinking is your
ability to see things as a whole (or holistically) including the many different
types of relationships between the many elements in a complex system.
Yet, 'holistic thinking' is a
wider concept that
a system through sensing its large-scale patterns.
Systems thinking is often
focused on
problem solving
through understanding elements of the system and their interconnections.
This is, definitely, a valuable perspective to assist organisations
performance. However, adopting other conceptions of holism, such as
The Tree of a successful business (see example),
6Ws of corporate growth (see example),
5 Basic Elements of a winning organisation (see example), or
working both smart and hard, may open up new
which may also be very valuable.
5 Basic Elements of Innompic Games
For instance, when
applied in social
situations, holistic thinking involves sensitivity,
intuition and tact.
Before modifications of the parts can be
made for the overall benefit of the system, a thorough knowledge of how each
part functions and the interrelationships among the parts must be present.
Take a systems view of things – look at the different elements in a
situation as parts of a system which functions for good or ill. This system
involves people and a sequence of events, thoughts, feelings, actions and
interactions. Once you understand how the system is working – for or against
you – you have a means of structuring things differently in the future.
Educative Failure Story: Google+
social network was launched in 2011 and shut down in
2019 because it was a dead service walking.
Google was expected to
it because even after the company spent hundreds of millions of
dollars on it, Google+ was a failure. It had no
Having started too late, Google+ pursued a 'me-too' strategy
instead of creating
radically innovative and much
higher user value.
The Google+ developers have not been
communicated a
vision and had no knowledge of the 'big picture' they
were to create...
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Working Backward
The working backwards technique tells
us to consciously start from the end of the process and develop it
step by step from there. To
achieve success,
vividly imagine that you have already achieved your goal,
the whole picture, then walk back and examine the pathway toward
your goal...
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