Innovation is a process of
inventing innovative value


taking the invention through
to satisfied users.

Innovation is 1% invention plus 99% entrepreneurial action Vadim Kotelnikov quotes

Innompic Games  >>  Contests








Value of Innovation for Business

Innovation Download PowerPoint presentation, pdf e-book is the conversion of new knowledge into new products and services. Innovation is about creating value and increasing productivity, and therefore growing your business.


10 Commandments of Innovation    INNOBALL  >>  Achieve Beyond Aspirations










 Yourself & Your Team

 Organization & Processes



3 Creativities of an Innovator

6 Barriers To Creativity

Lateral Thinking

Thinking Outside the Box

Cross-Functional Excellence


Leading Change

Starting Change with Yourself

Entrepreneurial Leadership

Inspirational Leadership

Team Leader: 9 Roles

Inspiring People

Creative Leadership

Creative Leadership DOs and DON'Ts

Effective Motivation

Attitude Motivation

Incentive Motivation

Reward System


Loving Creator  >>  Become

Innovation Is Love

Entrepreneurial Creativity

10 Commandments of Innovation

Moving with Speed

Anticipating Change    Spotting Trends

Launching a Crusade

Innovation Team

6 Features    Team Creativity  >>  10 Tips

Knowledge Management

Idea Management

Managing Tacit Knowledge

Creativity Management

Intellectual Cross-pollination

Managing Knowledge Workers

Business Model

New Business Models

Balanced Business System

Business Architect

Business BLISS

Business Enablers

Knowledge Enterprise

Innovation System

Policies and Infrastructure

Culture for Innovation  >>  5 Strategies  / 10 Tips

Strategic Alignment  >>  Provide Strategic Direction

Organization and People


Techniques for Quick Idea Evaluation

Sustainable Innovation Organization

Entrepreneurial Organization

Climate for Innovation  >>  3 Parts

Inspiring Culture    Questioning Culture

Culture of Creative Dissatisfaction

Creating a Culture for Innovation: 5 Strategies

How To Lead Creative People

Energizing Employees

Relentless Growth Attitude

Creative Chaos Environment

Cross-Functional Innovation Teams

Managing Innovation by Cross-functional Teams

Learning Organization

Coaching Organization

Fun Factor

Product Innovation

Invent a New Great Product

New Product Development

10 Best Practices

New-To-The-World Product Development

New Product Design

Design for Environment (DfE)

Mastering Corporate Strategy

Strategic Intent

Strategy Innovation

Strategic Partnerships

80/20 Principle and Innovation

Sustainable Growth

Sustainable Competitive Advantage

Opportunity-driven Growth

Iceberg of Opportunities

Venture Management


Innovating vs. Operating

Value Innovation  >>  10 Tips

Customer-driven Innovation

The Jazz of Innovation

Radical Innovation  >>  3 Levels

Radical vs Incremental Innovation  >>  Project Management

Radical Project Management

Goggle's 9 Notions of Innovation


Strategic Innovation: Road-Mapping

Technological Vision    Technology Strategy

Diversification Strategy

Managing Intellectual Assets

Strategic Licensing Out

IPR Strategy for Competitiveness




3 Strategies of Market Leaders

3.  Relentless Innovation

  1. Venture Strategies

  2. Fast Company

  3. Innovation System... More

6 Innovation Practice Tips


  • Think "verbs", not "nouns" in your product and service offerings so that you create wonderful experiences for everyone who comes into contact with your company or brand... More

The Jazz of Innovation

11 Practice Tips

The Jazz of Innovation: create a guiding structure and encourage improvisation.

  1. Provide strategic alignment.

  2. Challenge assumptions

  3. Build cross-functional expertise... More

Inspirational Leadership

10 Roles

  1. Make relentless innovation a religion... More

Strategic Innovation

7 Dimensions

  • A Managed Innovation Process – combining non-traditional and traditional approaches to business strategy... More

Humorous Biz Plan

How To Succeed In Innovation

Innovation Management Team: "Few great men would have got past personnel." Paul Goodman...

Operational Plan: "The secret to creativity is knowing how to hide your sources." Albert Einstein... More

Effective Innovation Process

7 Lessons from Silicon Valley Firms

  1. Seed new knowledge about innovation, including reinventing the innovation process itself...  More


Six Organizational Models that Support Innovation

  1. Innovation Project Team

  2. Expert Network

  3. Shared Services Organization... More

Business BLISS

Balance – Leadership – Innovation – Synergy – Speed

5 Factors that Make a Project Successful

To be successful, a project must have4:

  1. Agreement among the project stakeholders – the team, customer, and management  – on the goals of the project... More

10 Ways To Murder Creativity

  1. Ask for a 200-page document to justify every new idea... More

How To Lead Creative People

By: Max DePree

  • When you have real innovation, don't compromise... More

3 Primary Criteria to Assess Your Innovation Portfolio

Besides assessing each initiative individually for risk, investment, return, and timing, assess your total portfolio to ensure that you have the right initiatives in it:

  1. Stretch and strategic fit. How much does your portfolio push the industry frontiers, and how well does it fit with your business goals and strategy? ... More


Innovation 101

DOs and DON'Ts of a Successful Innovator

The Art of Innovation: 9 Truths

Leadership-Management Synergy

Provide the Strategic Direction  ●  Help People Grow

Create an Enjoyable Work Environment to Foster Productivity

Motivate and Inspire People to Perform at Highest Levels


Disney Creativity Strategy

Deciding If Your Innovation Portfolio Has Enough Stretch

Attitude Motivation  ●  Rewards  >>  Silicon Valley  ‖  Give a WOW

GE: Harness Your People  ●  Siemens' ShareNet

Google  >>  9 Notions of Innovation  ‖  10 Golden Rules


Why Innovate?

Success in business doesn't come from feeling comfortable. With many markets becoming more and more competitive as a result of new competitors from global or deregulated markets, those who innovate best will win in the future. You need to accept risk, measure performance, and embrace innovation.

In today's technology-driven world, business life cycles have accelerated exponentially, but good innovation management basics always apply. The challenge is to keep a step ahead of changing market conditions, new technologies and human resources issues.

To remain competitive, today's companies need to do more than simply deliver products or services that are better or cheaper than those of their rivals. They must also add features, improve performance, and reduce prices more quickly. They must be faster to launch new lines. To grow, they may need to create entirely new markets and develop venture strategies.

The Jazz of Innovation

To jazz up your ability to innovate, turn to jazz – the improvisation-driven model for innovation project management.

This model doesn’t discard structure, just as there is a clear structure to good jazz. In innovation, this structure is created through roadmaps, guiding principles, business processes, systems and organizational charts. Strategic planning and road-mapping processes cannot guarantee brilliant flashes of creative insight, but they can prepare minds and increase the odds that such flashes occur in real time. Thus structure, as chords do in jazz, serves as a basis for improvisation, experimentations, discoveries and innovation... More

Leadership-Management Synergy

Leaders: Lead improvisation. Managers: Provide structure.

Resulting synergy: Jazz of Innovation... More

New Era of Systemic Innovation

Innovation used to be a linear trajectory from new knowledge to new product. Now innovation is neither singular nor linear, but systemic. It has different types and forms. It arises from complex interactions and synergies between many individuals, organizations and environmental factors. Innovation is not divisible – ‘good in parts’ is no good at all... More

Seven Areas of Innovation

  1. Strategy Innovation

  2. Business Innovation

  3. Organizational Innovation

  1. Product Innovation

  1. Process Innovation

  2. Technology Innovation

  3. Marketing Innovation


Creating a Culture for Innovation

The question for leaders today isn’t if culture is important for success but how culture can drive successful innovation – and what, specifically, leaders can do to influence the kind of culture that leads to behavior that’s truly innovative... More

Strategic Innovation

Strategic Innovation is the creation of growth strategies, new product categories, services or business models that change the game and generate significant new value for customers and the corporation... More



Innovation Process: Diversion and Conversion of Ideas...

Specific Mindset and Skill Requirements...

Systematic Approach to Innovation...

Systems Thinking...

Creative Leadership...

Strategy Innovation...

Process Innovation...

Value Innovation...


 Case in Point  Dell Computer Corporation...

 Case in Point  General Electric...

 Case in Point  Nike...

 Case in Point  Charles Schwab...

 Case in Point  Bunsha...

 Case in Point  Thermo Electron...

 Case in Point  Corning...

 Case in Point  GE...

 Case in Point

 Case in Point  Silicon Valley Firms...

 Case in Point  Microsoft...

 Case in Point  Fun4Biz...

 Case in Point  P&G's Align Probiotics...

 Case in Point  Apple's Innovation Strategies...







  1. Driving Growth Through Innovation, Robert B. Tucker

  2. Communication on Innovation Policy, European Commission

  3. Relentless Growth, Christopher Meyer

  4. 1001 Ways to Take Initiative, Bob Nelson

  5. Effective Innovation, John Adair

  6. Making a Difference, Bruce Nixon

  7. The Art of Innovation, Tom Kelley

  8. Tom Peters, Foreword for the The Art of Innovation, Tom Kelley

  9. Venture Catalyst : The Five Strategies for Explosive Corporate Growth, Donald L. Laurie

  10. Lateral Thinking Skills, Paul Sloane

  11. The Leader's Guide To Lateral Thinking, Paul Sloane

  12. Improve Your Lateral Thinking: Puzzles To Challenge Your Mind, Paul Sloane

  13. Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Peter Drucker

  14. Radical Innovation, Harvard Business School



Smart Executive

Business Architect

Techniques for Fast Idea Evaluation

Real Time Business Development


Great Innovator

Innovation Is Love

4 Categories of Innovation

Customer-driven Innovation: 7 Practice Tips

Entrepreneurial Creativity

Trend Spotting Tips

Innovation Management Techniques (IMTs)

Innovation Quotes

Innovation Management Quotes

Innovation: One Way Many Paths

Business Model

New Business Models

Innovation-friendly Organization

Creating a Culture for Innovation

Liberate Employees from the Fear of Trying New Things

Innovation Management Policies for Large Corporations

5 Strategies for Creating a Culture for Innovation

Creating a Culture of Questioning

How To Transform Your Business Into an Innovative and Creative Culture

Google 9 Notions of Innovation

Intellectual Property Management (IPM)

The Role of Intellectual Property Rights (IPR) for Competitiveness of Enterprises

IPR Primer

IP Guide for Small Firms

Innovation Jokes

Three Legged Chicken

Funny Inventive Designs